This is how you can tell if your stress is normal – or if it is becoming something more

We all deal with stress, especially nowadays when the world seems to be getting crazier and we have less control. But there is a difference between normal stress that is occasionally triggered and the type of stress that is a symptom of something more serious, like an anxiety disorder or depression.

The past year has been a challenge to our mental health, so it’s normal for you to experience a little more stress than usual. Still, it’s important to keep an eye on your symptoms in order to deal with the problem appropriately and to know if your stress level is normal or if you need an expert’s opinion and advice.

Photo by Christian Erfurt via Unsplash

CNN spoke to a variety of experts on the matter who shared some tips on how to spot the differences in terms of the different types of stress. “If the concern is intrusive beyond the stressor, that is fear,” said Dr. Cynthia Ackrill. “If the sadness is a mood that cannot be moved beyond the situation, then it is depression.”

While stress is not a condition in and of itself, its presence can make a condition worse and can also be an indicator of general anxiety disorder, a condition that requires at least six months of constant and elevated anxiety to be diagnosed. Symptoms of general anxiety disorder include difficulty sleeping, restlessness, and difficulty

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Normal stress should occur when you are faced with a change, be it a new job or moving house. After a while, the stress should subside and should not have a lasting effect on other areas of your life. If your stress levels are affecting your relationships or your work, it may be time to talk to someone. The sooner you do it the better.

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Stress can be managed through some helpful activities like meditation and breathing exercises. It can also help to get things out of the way, be it in therapy or just talking openly with a friend or family member. Exercising is also great for relieving stress, directing your energies into something, and giving your brain a much-needed break.

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