The Swiss Go MMJ – Swiss doctors can prescribe medical marijuana without an “exemption”
Doctors in Switzerland may soon be able to prescribe medical cannabis to registered patients without having to go through the existing tedious process of obtaining approval from higher authorities. Swiss cannabis clubs are also part of some tourists’ Swiss holidays.
Cannabis was banned in Switzerland and other European countries as early as the 1950s. Any form of cannabis reform, be it medical or recreational, is a welcome development.
Switzerland; The CBD hub of Europe
The existing cannabis laws in Switzerland allow the production of hemp. Other types of cannabis are prohibited. The legal cannabis industry has developed considering that it only produces hemp with a maximum of 1% THC. This hemp is mainly used by the Swiss for medical reasons.
Recreational cannabis is still banned across the country. The last time this law was revised was in 2012, it decriminalized possession of a certain amount of cannabis. People found with the drug will not be arrested, but will be fined.
Medical cannabis was approved with the revision of the Federal Act on Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances (NarcG) in 2008. The revision was adopted in the referendum and then implemented patiently in 2011 for a year.
Medical cannabis use in Switzerland
In Switzerland, cannabis is only approved for wellness purposes. Only one drug, Sativex, has been approved by the health department, and doctors must get approval from the state’s federal public health department before they can include the drug on a patient’s prescription.
In 2019, the state’s Federal Office of Public Health only approved 3,000 approvals. They granted this to incurable patients and patients in immense pain.
Some of the admitted patients had multiple sclerosis (MS), cancer, or neurological disorders.
According to Wikipedia, only two pharmacies are approved for the distribution of medical cannabis products in Switzerland. In addition to Epidiolex, patients can be given cannabis tinctures and cannabis oil concentrates. The law does not allow prescribing cannabis resins or cannabis flowers to patients.
This process has forced many patients to rely on the black market for their cannabis products instead of sticking to the legal route.
The Swiss legislature is considering steps to improve the existing cannabis laws. You have decided to first expand and facilitate access to medical cannabis.
This eliminates the need to obtain an exemption from the Federal Health Office.
A change in the current system will make medical cannabis available to anyone in need without discrimination based on the severity of their symptoms. Many will have hope for relief and a chance to live normal lives.
Amendment to the Swiss Narcotics Act
The Swiss now accept cannabis more than they used to. This has sparked underground discussions and meetings to urge Swiss lawmakers to change the NarcA. Recently, the underground rumble is becoming a full-fledged revolution that calls for a recreational cannabis experiment.
In response to all of this, the government is ready to lift the clause requiring doctors to obtain permission before treating a patient with cannabis.
On September 1, 2021, the Swiss Federal Council, which includes the seven-member Executive Council that works with the country’s federal government and its head of state, began to consider changing the NarcA.
The council acknowledged that with such a change in NarcA, doctors would be able to conduct cannabis wellness treatment without feeling restricted.
The plan is to make cannabis a controlled narcotic
Switzerland has a special relationship with Germany and Austria, they also share a common language. It is no surprise that they are trying to control cannabis in the same way as the other two countries.
The three countries also have a special trade alliance called DACH. This is where a strange twist comes into play.
The government plans to begin recreational cannabis studies across the DACH border at ICBC Berlin, Germany. The location was chosen because the panel at the ICBC is one of the most visited panels of German politicians. How this will develop when the experiments start in a few months remains to be said, because the cannabis reform is a very sensitive topic in Germany and Europe.
If the experiments are successful, pharmacies may dispense THC-rich cannabis products to adults aged 21 and over.
The likelihood of this happening is still difficult to gauge, as authorities across the DACH region have always been hostile to the proposed cannabis reforms. Only recently, Lidl suffered from proposing such a proposal. Lidl is one of the world’s largest retailers based in Munich.
Will Switzerland take the lead in cannabis reforms in Europe?
The proposed relaxation of narcotics laws in Switzerland may or may not be enough to get Germany to consider any kind of cannabis reform. This means that if the law changes, Switzerland can be positioned as the leading cannabis industry.
The Swiss have drawn up plans for the cultivation and processing of cannabis plants into medicinal and recreational cannabis products. It would also take the lead in the DACH alliance for the export of medical and recreational cannabis.
Entrepreneurs like Dr. Francis Scanlan, CEO of Cloud 9 are excited about the latest developments. Cloud 9 is a Swiss life science company that will launch a Swiss THC chocolate bar in Dubai. Dr. Francis said that cannabis reforms in Europe are long overdue. He found that the proposed changes reflected the wishes of the majority of Swiss people.
According to Dr. Francis, the recent events are pragmatic approaches that can successfully regulate cannabis in the country while helping patients with pain and reducing healthcare costs.
The country will also generate a lot of tax revenue from the sale of cannabis both inside and outside of the country’s borders.
Cannabis has been tested and proven in various countries around the world to bring immense relief to patients. It really is a legitimate drug.
The cannabis reform programs proposed by Switzerland would allow the country more economic growth.
Remember, all of these steps are still suggestions and cannabis is still illegal. You risk a fine or arrest if caught with cannabis within Swiss borders.
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