Should you mulch your cannabis plants?
For many people, the idea of mulching their marijuana plants isn’t strictly necessary, and that’s understandable. But that’s mainly because people don’t know why mulching is such a great idea. Eventually, it improves the soil’s micro-life population and allows them to diversify. In fact, with some specific types of mushrooms, you can’t help but mulch your cannabis plant.
There is always a constant battle between fungi and bacteria going on in your soil in your growth containers. These are two essential substances that power plants. Think of fungi and bacteria as two peas in a pod, like two best friends who always fight but love each other anyway.
Both fight for the resources in their territory, and each of them will always want an important stake in those resources. Giving mushrooms a place to thrive in your planters is a fantastic movie. The activities of fungi make it possible for things like rock phosphate, potassium, and phosphorus to be readily available to the plants.
In addition, other things such as iron and sulfur which are great for plant growth will also bloom while the marijuana plant is growing. Cannabis plants also prefer bacterial dominated soil, but again, they need mushrooms to achieve this. So let’s learn more about these ideas and how they relate to mulching.
Mulch your marijuana plants with a tree bark
Yes, you can use almost any tree bark, but that doesn’t mean there are some exceptions. For example, the bark of walnut and cedar trees is not ideal for indoor planting or containers. The resin and terpenes in the cedar bark are too powerful for the plant, but you can also try cedar bark outdoors. Walnut bark, twigs, nuts, and leaves are not ideal because their pH is too high.
With the Chunky Bark method, it becomes a great mixture above all as mulch: it then attracts fungi and is colonized by fungi. This is the same type of mushroom that older breeders refer to as “leaf mold”.
These are very useful mushrooms that also work well with phosphorus, so soon you will see the benefits and effects they have on the plant, especially the flower and root mass.
With shredded bark as a mulch over it, it becomes an attractive option for the plant and allows bacteria and fungi to thrive harmoniously. But bacteria soon occupy the entire room. The bark buried in the soil mixture is also mainly dominated by bacteria, regardless of its quality, how lumpy it is or whether it is crushed.
This process is one of the lovely ideas to know when growing your cannabis plant. Mulch some chunky tree bark on top of the soil, making room for a little fungal micro-life.
The three most common mulching mistakes
Some cannabis growers shy away from mulching because they have tried in the past, made some mistakes, and didn’t want to try again. Now that you know what mistakes to avoid, you can start mulching right again and do everything right.
Collecting mulch outdoors for indoor plants is a wrong step. Please do not bring dried leaves or bark outside or around trees and put them in your cannabis container. Several parasitic problems arise with the use of random barking. You don’t know the risks such bark pose to your fragile cannabis plant. Hence, it is best to compost them first before bringing them indoors.
Buying treated, colored or painted bark mulch harms your soil and your plant. The only bark to use should be 100% organic and natural.
Clever tips for mulching marijuana
In addition to tree bark, there are many other things you can use to mulch your marijuana plant. For example, chopped marijuana plant stems are great for mulching and listen; If you put this idea into practice, you will never want to try anything else again.
It’s also possible to recycle mulch if you’re recycling your soil to freshen up and renew both substances. Outdoor bark, tree leaves, and twigs don’t get great until they are composted, so be sure to add some greens to the mulch.
The shredded bark used as mulch also works well because it is chunky and can last a long time (for the life of the plant) before decomposing. In most cases, shredded mulch is only replaced every 30 days, which is ideal for cultivators who are constantly busy.
If you’ve never worked with mulch before and want to try it out because you’ve read this article, it will help if you put a small top of alfalfa flour under the mulch. With the mulch composted, you have a better option: use it and don’t worry about the idea of eating alfalfa.
Bottom line
As a cannabis grower, you will learn more about the best ways to grow your plants while you work. You will discover new ideas, try old ones, and maybe change strategies as you find something better, but one thing is certain: you need to mulch your plants.
Mulching can help prevent weeds in your cannabis garden, especially if you are an outdoor grower. Your marijuana plant is prone to weeds that will invade the entire area if you don’t mulch, but you need to know how to do it properly and that is the focus of this article.
The next time it’s or is your first time to mulch, remember everything you learned in this article and make sure you’re doing everything right when it comes to mulching – cheers to growing more fertile, high-yielding and healthy marijuana plants.
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