How to Say Popular Weed Words and Weed Phrases in Sign Language Part 2 – breaking cannabis news today
Learning American Sign Language is a wise and worthwhile idea, especially for a cannabis user. When privacy is an issue, ASL is the best option. You can literally speak without making a sound, which can certainly come in handy when you smoke weed. Best of all, a lot of stoner slang is translated into sign language. So get ready to express yourself. Regardless of whether it is new or a review, language means connection and we are talking about weed. With this in mind, put on your thinking cap and free your hands! It’s time to learn a new stoner slang in ASL.
Left hand – Hold the other hand in front of you, relaxed, with the palm facing down.
right hand – Start by pointing to your temple. At a 45 degree downward angle, draw a line away from your face as you move your fingers as if to pinch them. With your fingers pointing down, move your right hand on top of your left.
Smoking (can express both nouns and verbs)
Make a “V” with your index and middle fingers and bring it to the lower right corner of your lower lip. Double tap your chin.
Note – When signing smoking, you may be tempted to change the position of your fingers to mimic the way you hold a joint. Don’t do it because you will say no more smoking, you will subscribe to dried cannabis flower.
Heavy toker / smoker
The heavy smoker / smoker sign consists of a series of movements. Start by signing smoke and follow it up with the sign for strong.
To make the sign difficult, open both hands and hold them in front of you, palms up. With your palms open, raise and lower both hands about a foot. Repeat this gesture.
There are many ASL variations for this word if you want to be specific. For example, the sign for tooth extraction is basically the same except that you are gesturing on your chin instead of your left hand.
Left hand – Hold your left hand in a relaxed position, palm down in front of you.
Right hand – Form a ‘V’ with your index and middle fingers and rotate your palm towards your upper body. First, place your right middle finger between the knuckles of your left hand. Pull the “V” away and curve the tips of your index and middle fingers inward.
Extend your pinky and thumb while curving your other fingers toward the palm of your hand. Rotate your wrists twice with your thumbs pointing up.
party hard
Using both hands, make two ‘V’ shapes with your index and middle fingers. Start at your waist and move your arm to form a sweeping point downward. Repeat this gesture.
Most people don’t use shisha to smoke weed, but it’s very close to the pipe sign. Extend your pinky and thumb while curving your other fingers toward the palm of your hand. Double tap your thumb to the chin.
Speak it out
Anyone who knows the alphabet can speak sign language. Of course, that’s not ideal. We don’t communicate by spelling all of our words, but it’s a great fallback plan if you don’t know a sign. Learn to spell the alphabet in ASL and you’ll be able to say any weed word you want.
The author would like to express his gratitude and appreciation to the hard work of Jolanta Lapiak and HandSpeak: American Sign Language Online.
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