Cannabiz Media Client Spotlight – Gold Leaf Packaging
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Gold Leaf Packaging is a cannabis printing company specializing in creating custom promotional materials, packaging and branding for companies in and with the cannabis industry.
Cannabiz Media recently spoke to David Rula, founding partner of Gold Leaf Packaging, to learn more about how he and his team are using the Cannabiz Media License Database to support their sales and business growth initiatives.
Why is Gold Leaf Packaging Subscribing to the Cannabiz Media License Database?
Gold Leaf Packaging uses the Cannabiz Media License Database primarily for sales research and contacting, as well as for email marketing. “The Cannabiz Media License Database has helped our business, and I can’t say enough great things about it,” says David. “Your team has helped Gold Leaf Packaging more than you realize. We have a weekly meeting with all of our sales reps and it’s entirely based on the Cannabiz Media platform. “
It is important for David and his team that the data available to them in the license database are up to date and reliable. David says, “The time and effort your team expends to get this license information and break it down by state is very helpful. We have been using the Cannabiz Media License Database as a CRM for over a year, and I can tell you that every week we are getting better at it and learning new things it offers. I love the Cannabiz Media product. “
What’s next with gold leaf packaging?
Going forward, Gold Leaf Packaging will continue to expand its presence in the cannabis industry, especially in states that are expanding their cannabis programs. Two areas that David sees as significant growth opportunities also coincide with the growing trends in the cannabis industry – packaging decorations and automation.
“We are the first in America to buy machines from France that produce raised foil and raised varnish without dies and plates,” explains David. “We also developed our own marketing asset management system called DigiFlow, which is ideal for companies that have multiple slants, brands, or are in multiple states with different packaging laws. The software organizes the chaos and really streamlines the processes. It helps to increase the value of a company. “
For more information on Gold Leaf Packaging and for more insight from David, follow the link and listen to the latest Cannacurio podcast episode from Cannabiz Media with David as a special guest.
To learn more about how subscribing to the Cannabiz media license database can help your business like the team at Gold Leaf Packaging, follow the link and schedule a free demo.
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