Fight Endometriosis With Cannabinoids – 3 Strains For Painful Periods – Latest Cannabis News Today

It begins with smoldering heat and turns into a blazing fire: menstrual cramps. For some of us, it feels more like uncontrollable wildfire of agony. Does this ritual sound familiar to you? If you’ve ever felt like “a fist is unfolding in my womb,” as girl author and endometriosis advocate Lena Dunham once wrote, your cramps could be more than just cramps.

A little more than 1 in 10 of us who are gifted with menstrual cycles have endometriosis, but only a fraction are ever diagnosed. Many are dismissed as normal menstrual pain or worse, as a sham. Recent studies show that women always feel more pain than men. However, they are less likely to receive pain medication and seven times more likely than men to be misdiagnosed and discharged in the middle of a heart attack.

Dysmenorrhea is the diagnostic word for a slasher film that premieres in-utero and is the hallmark of the disease. In general, pain is the star of the show. Pain before, during, and after your period, pain during sex, and pain in bowel and bladder function. Other symptoms include gas, tiredness, nausea, and diarrhea, especially during your period. “It doesn’t manifest outwardly very often; the symptoms just look like sweatpants and a Charlize Theron-in-Monster-level grimace, ”writes Dunham in her endo exposé The Sickest Girl.

Treat menstrual pain with cannabis

Studies have shown no association between the extent of endometriosis and the pain. Even if it’s a little, it can hurt a hell of a lot. Laparoscopic (minimally invasive) surgery is the only way to find out exactly how much, but many women find pain relief through other means – through cannabis, for example.

Cannabis and gynecology go way back. Queen Victoria’s doctor prescribed cannabis for her period pain in the early 19th century, before Prohibition. Even today, women around the world find respite fighting endometriosis with cannabinoids. Every tenth endometriosis patient says they use cannabis to treat pain, and these are just some of the best strains for endometriosis and period pain:

Photo of Sora Shimazaki

Pink Kush

A Canadian classic, this 90/10 indica-dominant hybrid smells good, burns good, and when you’re in pain – it feels so, so good. With an average of 18 to 20 percent THC, Pink Kush delivers a powerful body high that flattens pain.


Although more research is needed, evidence suggests that high-THC strains provide the most pain relief for menstrual cramps. However, the individual tolerance to high THC levels is variable. It’s important to have pain relieving options that aren’t associated with poisoning or possible side effects. Enter: Cannatonic. Despite the name, this 17-20 percent CBD-dominant strain won’t literally leave you catatonic. This tonic is real medical cannabis – with little to no psychoactive effects and strong analgesic properties, Cannatonic is an indispensable strain for people with period pain.

Pure love

Ibuprofen can reduce heavy bleeding by 25 to 30 percent while lowering prostaglandin production, but it’s not M & Ms. At 2: 1 CBD to THC, Pure Love is an excellently balanced hybrid. With legendary analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s a perfect strain for period pain. Pure Love offers the therapeutic benefits of THC with a complementary high CBD profile. Pure Love is just that, premium pain relief without an intense head high.

Endometriosis isn’t the only cause of painful periods, however. It is important to discuss the diagnostic process with a doctor. Other causes of painful periods include adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, and pelvic inflammatory disease – but don’t let the pain go away. When it hurts, it hurts and that’s not normal.

Let us know your favorite period pain strain in the comments. And follow our ongoing series on how the Covid vaccine affects menstruation.

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