COVID-19 Long Distance Drivers: Here are the most common symptoms
One of the most puzzling aspects of COVID-19 is its long-term effects. While the majority of people make a full recovery within a few weeks, many people do not. You have to deal with symptoms long after the main illness.
Long-haul COVID-19 drivers are usually seen as an exception to the rule, but new data suggests these cases are much more common than we think they are. Over 70% of people who have had COVID-19 have persistent symptoms 60 days later, according to a JAMA review. Given the number of people who have contracted COVID-19 in the United States, that means a few million of them can still cope with side effects.
Here are some of the most common symptoms:
Photo by Vladislav Muslakov via Unsplash
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms people with COVID-19 experience. In fact, measuring your fatigue level is one of the clearest ways to tell if you have a regular flu or COVID-19. Although fighting off an infection is tiring, COVID-19 fatigue has been described as debilitating and persistent, the type of fatigue that makes performing regular tasks very difficult.
Brain fog
Photo by Christian Erfurt via Unsplash
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Brain fog is a cognitive symptom that is mentioned many times when talking about COVID-19. It’s not a medical term, but it encompasses a variety of behaviors ranging from forgetfulness to the ability to do mental tasks that require a certain amount of focus. Brain fog is difficult to disperse, but it is recommended that you sleep at least 8 hours a night and work on brain puzzles.
shortness of breath
Photo from rawpixel.com
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COVID-19 is a respiratory disease. Depending on the severity of the infection, this can have a significant impact on your lungs, including shortness of breath and chest pain. Over time, these physical symptoms can be cured by taking care of your lungs and doing breathing exercises.
Loss of taste and smell
Photo by Artem Labunsky via Unsplash
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Loss of taste and smell is one of the strangest symptoms of the disease, especially for people who continue to experience it weeks after they recover. While the majority of people are slowly recovering, it’s still a troubling experience that has led many to try odor therapy.
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