NFL will award $ 1 million to researchers studying medical cannabis as an opioid alternative
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This summer, the NFL is giving out $ 1 million in grants to researchers studying how medical marijuana can serve as an alternative to addictive opioid drugs.
The Football League began studying the healing powers of cannabis back in 2019. Working with the NFL Players Association (NFLPA), the NFL has established two committees to review non-opioid methods of managing pain. In February this year, the committees published a joint proposal for clinical research studies examining how cannabis and other non-opioid treatments can help control chronic pain.
This week the NFL-NFLPA’s Joint Pain Management Committee (PMC) announced that it was ready to take its research to the next level. At a press conference this Tuesday, the PMC confirmed that “there are clearly a lot of great ideas out there and a lot of important research to be funded,” Marijuana Moment reports.
To advance this research, the committee will award US $ 1 million in grants to researchers “currently in a position to conduct studies aimed at augmenting the PMC’s knowledge of pain management and athletic performance in elite soccer players “. The committee selects up to 5 pilot research proposals and divides the grant among them according to the strength of their proposals.
In particular, PMC officials hope to learn more about how cannabinoids can affect pain in elite soccer players, including post-operative and chronic pain. The committee would also like to investigate how cannabis or cannabinoid use could affect the athletic performance of players on the field. And as a third line of investigation, investigators want to find out how other non-pharmacological treatments could help relieve pain.
“The NFL’s intent through this funding opportunity is to demonstrate the potential for translational breakthroughs by leveraging, or using, cutting-edge research, emerging science, cutting-edge data and archive material related to the use of alternatives to opiates in pain management and the effects of cannabis Cannabinoids on the athletic performance of elite football players, ”explains the committee.
To apply for these fellowships, each prospect must submit a short pre-proposal by July 31st that describes the qualifications of the research team and the general objectives of the proposed study. The best applicants will be asked to submit a formal proposal and an oral presentation which will be assessed and reviewed by the committee.
However, there is still a major stumbling block that could prevent you from successfully completing your degree. PMC Co-Chairman Dr. Kevin Hill told Marijuana Moment that placing marijuana on List I “definitely affects the level of research allowed.” Dr. Hill also noted that the general lack of funding for medical cannabis research “affects it even more adversely.”
“There are many people – both states and corporations – who make significant profits from the sale of cannabis and other cannabinoids, and most of these groups do not contribute to science,” he continued. “I think one of the great things about this call for proposals is that the players are obviously stakeholders and we want them to have the best in pain management, people say they care for a number of years . “
These NFL-funded studies can take years to complete their research, but even so, the Football League is already easing its cannabis bans. Last March, the NFL announced that it would no longer suspend players who tested positive for weed or other drugs.
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