The individual against the tribe of Tri
In my heart – I am an anarchist in the true sense of the word. In the literal sense, it basically means “life without a ruler”.
However, governments want you to believe that this would lead to “chaos” and clutter, and they may be right in certain situations. But it is seldom the case when we return to our genetic roots as the “great apes” we are certain to be – the strongest dominates the weak and order is brought about.
While “anarchy” seems idealistically like a new idea – the truth of the matter is that while human experience is an individual process – human survival depends on the tribe.
Here the anarchist in me comes into conflict with my genetic imperative of survival. Indeed, without our “tribal behavior” humanity might not have risen to the status we claim today; The indomitable alpha species on earth.
Some of you might be wondering, “It’s all right, Reg, but what the hell does this have to do with weed?”
Great question!
What we call “society” today, in its most authentic form, is just one big damn tribe. A cosmopolitan tribe of mixed tribes forced to coexist on earth within imaginary boundaries and to be enforced by a nuclear arsenal.
The laws you obey are the requirements of the “tribe” and as some angry redneck may have yelled, “If you don’t like it here – YOU CAN LEAVE!”
This is the unspoken rule of tribalism, and it is 100% correct. Of course, tribal norms differ significantly depending on the tribe.
Depending on how your individualistic idealization of the self fits into the generally perceived value system of your tribe – you support or disagree with these norms.
In the United States, for example, the Texas tribe recently ruled that barely any legal strippers (18-20 years old) are considered children under the state’s constitution. This is because the tribe realized that it was a means of combating human trafficking.
From the individualistic – the anarchist – perspective, this is a direct violation of the individual rights of barely legal strippers to use their bodies as a means of making money.
If everything is consensual – there is no beef within the anarchist paradigm.
What all this has to do with grass!
Now that we have established the dynamics of strain versus individual, we can begin to talk about cannabis.
Cannabis is on the way to full legality worldwide. It is inevitable that the tribe will have to adopt cannabis rules as the global tribal consensus for nearly eighty years has been: It’s bad!
Just shows that the tribe isn’t always right. Because of this, the individual acts as a counterbalance to shitfuckery.
Currently, the people who decide the “rules of the game” for cannabis are NOT cannabis users, but representatives of the “tribe”. The problem is, there aren’t many representatives for recreational cannabis users.
The vast majority of tribal representatives advocate for medical purposes. While there are some advocates of a more relaxed approach – from what we’ve seen with legalization worldwide, most countries choose to control the market.
Canada, for example, has a very strict system that has created a large black market that bypasses the rules of the tribe.
This will also happen in the US if the federal government tries to restrict individuals’ rights to grow and use cannabis too much.
However, we cannot have a free one for everyone. After all, cannabis is a hot commodity and whenever you put money into the equation – it can get hairy!
The delicate balance between tribe and individual!
Here the necessity of the tribe becomes even clearer. The trunk – or our “social body” needs the existence of certain norms in order to remain functional.
These norms require that the individual sacrifice part of his inherent freedom in order to make room for the existence of the “collective”.
When the “needs of the tribes” far outweigh the needs of the individual, tyranny ensues. Extreme cases are National Socialism, ethnic cleansing, attacks on minorities, etc.
You can think of these attacks as the white blood cells that are used to protect the integrity of the body (the trunk). When it comes to cannabis, the “white blood cells” are the police enforcing the anti-cannabis laws passed by representatives of the tribe.
These protocols were introduced because the “tribe” once believed that cannabis was harmful to them – or at least to certain aspects of it (health, children, etc.).
However, with the expansion of tribal powers so far, individuals are banned together to form a new paradigm – one of inclusion, one of freedom.
And again the balance shifts towards individual rights. The question is how much freedom the tribe should allow the individual to maintain or strengthen the integrity of the tribe.
This is the question that should be at the fore in any cannabis legalization effort. Without this central question, which is at the center of every effort, we will simply see how criminal corporatism infiltrates this industry like so many others in the past.
It is not enough to simply legalize cannabis – it is important to define what it means from an individual’s perspective.
How do I find the balance?
I recently spoke to one of my mentees and we brought up the idea of materialism. I asked, “What do you think about making a lot of money?” to which the person replied: “I don’t really care about money!”
This seemingly altruistic position is common among people who wish to improve their progress on a more spiritual path. However, I subscribe to a different way of thinking.
If you believe you are spiritual then it is your duty to learn how to make wealth so that you do not put the accumulation of wealth in the hands of psychopaths ready to destroy the earth for the almighty dollar.
Similarly, the individual cannabis user needs representation to strike a balance within cannabis legalization.
I’m not saying you’re running for president – I’m saying it is time to get involved in local politics to shape cannabis policy in your area. The individual has to be represented in these “tribal meetings” and unfortunately – those who fight for cannabis in Congress and the Senate are not stoners themselves.
That brings us to the final question – who of you reading this will stand up to represent your cannabis activist in your local government?
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