4 alternatives to using a butane lighter when smoking

A lighter is a must for all types of cannabis smokers. Whether you’ve invested in a nice Zippo lighter or are constantly buying BICs from the nearest gas station, you won’t get high without them – at least if you’re a bong or joint. However, there are other ways to light yourself, remove butane from the equation, and find a more organic way to get high.

There isn’t the best way to light a joint, but at least there are many options available to you. From organic to DIY hacks that can save a sluggish smoking session, here are four alternatives to using a lighter:

Hemp wick

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Hemp wicks are hemp threads that have been dipped in beeswax and can be used to light your joints and bowls. They burn slowly and are easy to work with, which means you won’t get burned your fingers just because you have no experience with them. Hemp wicks do not contain butane and converts believe this leads to a better taste experience.

Flameless lighters

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon via Pixabay

Flameless lighters do not require butane and are windproof, which is one of the most amazing things that can happen to someone. No more crouching in the corner to light a joint in the street. Depending on the manufacturer of the lighter, these products create a flame with a tiny spark or high heat that can ignite a joint on contact. They’re pretty cool, even if there’s a learning curve in how to use them.

A piece of glass

4 alternatives to lightersPhoto by Stephen Kraakmo via Unsplash

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While not all glass will work, a magnifying glass or camera lens should be able to light up a joint if you know what you’re doing or if you had a knack for chemical experimentation as a kid. In broad daylight, hold a glass over your joint or bowl at an angle and wait for the magic to happen. Make sure the reflection is pointing towards the grass or the tip of the joint to avoid burning your table or whatever underneath.

A dry spaghetti pasta or toothpick

4 alternatives to lightersPhoto by Markus Winkler via Unsplash

A more reliable way to light a joint when you can’t find a lighter is to use a dry spaghetti noodle or toothpick and place it over the stove. This method removes all of the butane from the equation and turns your noodle / toothpick into a temporary match. Just don’t get burned or accidentally light anything.

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