8 New Year’s Resolutions for Cannabis Lovers
Every year as we enter January, people make new year’s resolutions.
These are often easier to do than to keep, but if you decide to do something you enjoy doing, it doesn’t have to be. Instead of the usual resolutions like going to the gym, losing weight, reading more books, etc. why not confuse your New Year resolutions with some of these cannabis-inspired resolutions? They may not all suit your lifestyle, but a change can be good for us, and we’re sure there are few on this list that will appeal to every cannabis enthusiast out there.
Photo credit: maryjanesdiary.com
Grow your own weed
If you love to get your hands dirty and aren’t afraid of some sweat and elbow grease, this could be the New Years resolution.
In many states, people can grow their own weeds. Most states / countries that allow this have limits on the total number of plants you can have at one time. In most parts of Canada, there are four plants per household, while in the US they vary from zero in some states to twelve in states like Michigan. Check your state laws first. You don’t want arrest to shorten your New Year’s resolutions.
It takes some time and effort, but the rewards for smoking your own weeds are well worth it. If you’re stuck at home at this point, weed growth can be a good distraction, and everything you need to get started can be purchased online and delivered to your doorstep.
Photo credit: denverpost.com
Try different varieties
It can be easy to get used to just buying and smoking your regular strain. We get it, stick with what you know and you won’t be disappointed, right. But smoking the same stain or dabbing the same concentrate every day can be a bit repetitive. Push the envelope a little and move away from your comfort zone. It doesn’t hurt to broaden your cannabis horizons, and who knows, you might find a new favorite that gives an incredible amount while also stimulating your creativity. Different strains of cannabis will have a different effect on our body and mind; Some high-THC strains may be good for mood disorders, while higher levels of CBD may be better for treating pain. You can read about this in our article rich in CBD or THC.
Photo credit: Cottagelife.com
Take a tolerance break
A good resolution for the new year is a tolerance break. We’re not suggesting that you quit permanently, but sometimes a quick break from the weeds can be an excellent way to reflect on life with and without cannabis.
Over time, your body will develop a tolerance to the cannabinoids, especially THC. If you take a break, you can lower the tolerance values again. The bonus is that after your tolerance break with less product, you will get higher.
Since cannabis is not addictive, there are no withdrawal symptoms when you take a break. Hence, it is a lot easier to quit smoking cannabis than it is, says Nicotine.
Whether it’s a few days, a week, or the whole month, taking a tolerance break can be very rewarding and can also help you save some money.
Photo credit: leafy.com
Try new ways to use cannabis
Change is as good as a break, as the saying goes. There are many different ways of consuming cannabis. Smoke a joint, blunt, or bong, dab off concentrates, use a vape pen, or even consume groceries. Each has its benefits and each offers a different type of high.
Use January to broaden your horizons and try another consumption method.
If you usually smoke weed why not try vaping it? If concentrates are your thing, try a wax vapor or swab instead of a swab device. Why not try foods as a different way to consume cannabis?
Photo credit: myfloeidagreen.com
Spend less on weeds
After the excesses of the holiday season, you may be on a tight budget in the New Year. Smoking every day can be a real drain on the bank, and it all adds up. So January could be an excellent time to cut spending. You can also combine this with a break in tolerance to cannabis.
When you know you don’t want to quit all month, set yourself a strict budget for January. Determine what you want to spend on weeds and don’t exceed it. If you buy in bulk at the beginning of the month, you can save on shipping costs. Alternatively, you can use an on-site cannabis finder Leafly or Price of weed to find the best deals near you and save money that way.
Eat healthier snacks when you get the nibbles
It can be almost impossible to resist the urge to break out the snacks when they are high. The more you smoke, the more you want to eat. If your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight or eat healthier, then the nibbles might solve the problem. So make a plan for more nutritious snacks instead of fries and cookies, and stock up with celery sticks, nuts, carrots, and fruit or trails. Instead of reaching for candy, these healthier alternatives can give you a boost of energy, satisfy your food cravings, and get you to hit your weight goals in January.
Smoke in a new place
The flaming doesn’t have to be confined to your home.
A large part of the experience of being high is determined by our surroundings, whether we’re sitting on a beach, watching the sunset, walking in the woods, exploring the city or your neighborhood.
Finding a new place to smoke will add a new dimension to your high.
Clean your smoking equipment more
When you use a bong, swab, pipe, bubbler, or vape to consume your cannabis, you know how dirty these can get. If you do decide to purge your smoking more often, it will result in better tasting hits and will be healthier for your lungs as well. Suppose you switch between strains or concentrates. In this case, you will notice the different flavors and richness much more intensely than the taste being overwhelmed by ash, resin or residue from previous hits.
For many of us, 2020 wasn’t the best year. It was unpredictable and stressful, from lockdowns to work safety, unable to see loved ones, and often overwhelming. You might want to make some changes in 2021 and want to take back control. We hope these weed-inspired resolutions can help you have a better, more optimistic 2021, and we wish you all a Happy New Year!
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