7 high-energy cannabis strains to help get you active and fight fatigue

The 7 most energetic weed strains with reviews from real Leafly users.

Not everyone who smokes cannabis wants to remain locked on their couch. Energizing weed strains can provide a motivational boost, allowing you to stay active and shattering the fatigue that’s weighing you down. Or maybe you just prefer a good energizing weed strain over a morning cup of coffee or in combination with hiking or exercise. Finding the perfect strain for you often takes a lot of experimentation, but this list should give you a good starting point.

A few things to remember as you explore these energizing weed strains:

  • THC-dominant strains are very euphoric, and many of these strains can actually cause drowsiness and foggy heads. The THC-rich strains featured in the list below are said to be uplifting and inspirational, in theory due to differences in their chemical composition beyond THC.
  • High-CBD strains, or balanced CBD/THC strains, contain much less THC, meaning they deliver only a mild high (or no detectable high at all). If you want to relieve stress, choose a strain with little to no THC.

As you browse our list of the most energizing cannabis strains, keep an eye on the terpenes listed. Terpenes are aromatic compounds that determine the aroma and flavor of a strain and can potentially be linked to various effects and benefits. Knowing which terpenes you like can help narrow you down to high-energy strains that you’re sure to enjoy.

Durban Poison from Whitethorn Valley Farm – via Farm Cut (David Downs/Leafly)Durban Poison from Whitethorn Valley Farm – via Farm Cut (David Downs/Leafly)

Primary Terpene: terpinolene

Power: 19% THC

Selected review: Durban Poison is like the “espresso” of cannabis. The most racy sativa I know is an energizing and clear high without a trace of stoned or “stoning”. It wakes you up, cuts through the hazy fog and leaves you clear and bright, giving you energy to seize the day. Gives loads of energy and also intense emotional euphoria…where everything vibrates and you can’t take the smile off your face. – M……..t

XJ-13 (David Downs/Leafly)(David Downs/Leafly)

Primary Terpene: terpinolene

Power: 20% THC

Selected review: My absolute favorite strain on the planet for dealing with my anxiety and depression. Makes me uplifted, energetic, happy, creative etc. Perfect for smoking with friends and going out. – b……..h

Primary Terpene: myrcene

Power: 23%-27%

Selected review: When I ask for something “to help me clean the house or take the dogs for a walk,” it hits the mark. I can also knit, write music and organize. Wet highly functional (pun unintentional). This is my top choice for daytime and early evening wear. – d……..c

(David Downs/Leafly)(David Downs/Leafly)

Primary Terpene: caryophyllene

Power: 16% THC

Selected review: This strain will blow you away on all fronts. Firstly, the buds are deep dark purple with beautiful green and orange hairs. Second, it smells exactly like you spent half an hour removing the peel from oranges and then stuck your face in and took a huge hit. Third, you smell, and now it’s your turn. The smoke is thick and smooth on both the inhale and the exhale. It tastes exactly like it smells. You almost immediately begin brewing a calming energy in your head, where your creative juices begin to bubble with inspiration and imagination. –S……..w

Gelonade, one of the few things we can all agree on.  (David Downs/Leafly)Gelonade, one of the few things we can all agree on. (David Downs/Leafly)

Primary Terpene: terpinolene

Power: 24% THC

Selected review: Honestly, this burden has relieved me of all my fears and pain. Gave me a surprising amount of energy and kept me high for hours. 10/10 and my god the taste! –C……..3

Primary Terpene: myrcene

Power: 18% THC

Selected review: Island Sweet Skunk will never put you to sleep. Plan to be active because it’s impossible to sit still on it. Sweet Island Skunk will get you on the couch. These 2 are completely different tribes. –C……..x

Sour Diesel marijuana strainSour diesel. (Michael/AdobeStock)

Primary Terpene: caryophyllene

Potency: 19% THC

Selected review: “Another of my personal favourites. Extremely cerebral whenever I consumed it, but as many others have pointed out, there really is no such thing as “couch lock”. It makes your frontal lobe act in ways you never imagined. It’s almost as if Sour Diesel is a key, a key that opens whole areas of your mind that you didn’t know before. A++ will smoke again.” – Do

What kind of weed gives you energy?

Chong's Chemdawg Reserve (David Downs/Leafly)Chong’s Chemdawg Reserve (David Downs/Leafly)

Although we now know that cannabis strains have a lot more nuance than just indica, sativa, or hybrid classifications, energizing strains usually come from those that are considered sativa or sativa-dominant. Sativa strains are not necessarily considered for their psychoactive properties due to their botanical characteristics, such as longer, thinner leaves and longer growth cycles. Sativas also tend to have large amounts of terpenes, which can increase happy, energizing, and creative feelings.

Keep in mind that many people feel energized by strains that are considered “indicas” and feel down from a sativa – terpene and cannabinoid levels are the best indicators of how energizing a strain will be. The strains considered the most energizing on our list have various dominant terpenes, but terpinolene in particular.

What is the Highest Energy Sativa Strain?

Mattole Valley Organics Jack Herer;  via Flore Pharmacy.  Sativa for the divas.  (David Downs/Leafly)Mattole Valley Organics Jack Herer; via Flore Pharmacy. Sativa for the divas. (David Downs/Leafly)

Admittedly, no cannabis strain can do everything. But some come pretty close. Generations ago, the most stimulating strains were landraces from South America and Southeast Asia, such as B. Colombian Gold and Thai. As cannabis spread and breeders and breeders began to develop new cannabis strains and genetics, strains such as Jack Herer, Sour Diesel, and Durban Poison have gained a reputation for their intoxicating, tangy highs that encourage activity and sociability; the latter two were on our list of best-selling strains of 2022. Most of the strains on our list can be traced back to landrace strains like Colombian Gold or classic sativa strains like Haze.

If you’re looking to experiment with energizing strains, check out our full database section here.

Tips on using grass for energy

THCV acts as a stimulant, increasing energy and promoting fitness and exercise while decreasing appetite, which can aid in healthier habits. Courtesy of Rare Cannabinoid Company.

In a lot of stoner media, we see characters smoking weed and slowing down or staying in one place; Nobody really does chores or workouts, do they? But high-energy cannabis is a great motivator and catalyst if you consume it with the right intentions. When you have errands to run, puffing on XJ-13 or Tropicana Cookies will help keep you energized as you roam and make the experience more enjoyable.

If you want to hit the gym, Durban Poison or Sour Diesel will help you stay focused and push your limits. We do not recommend mixing energizing weed with other substances or cannabis strains that may counteract its effects. Some people react with anxiety to sativa-dominant strains; Start low and go slow to avoid side effects.

Choose varieties that don’t cause dry mouth

As much as we all love cannabis, it has some side effects. Namely the dreaded Cottonmouth, also known as dry mouth and xerostomia. Leafly contributor Emma Stone noted in an article that cottonmouth is likely due to the THC content in a strain, so there’s no way to determine which strain will or will not give you dry mouth. We recommend checking each strain page for its side effects. For example, XJ-13 listed dry mouth as one of its negative effects, but Gelonade did not.

Why does weed make my mouth dry?

Mix up your consumption methods

Smoking is far from the only way to get cannabis going. Most vape companies in today’s markets produce strain-specific cartridges and concentrates from whole plant extracts that preserve each strain’s unique terpene profiles. There is some debate as to whether cannabis edibles can be strain-specific, but most companies now offer a sativa-based or energizing version of a standard gummi, tablet, or tincture.

Keep in mind that an edible high doesn’t feel as intense as smoking or vaping. We recommend microdosing your energizing cannabis strain or product first to gauge how it will affect you.

Avoid stimulants

cannabis and coffeeSorry, this combo doesn’t work for everyone. (Tomkawila/AdobeStock)

If you’re a coffee or tea lover, you may need to reconsider your caffeine routine when consuming cannabis that stimulates and energizes you. Some research suggests that mixing caffeine and cannabis may impair memory in rats, but there’s little evidence that the combination can impair cognitive function in humans. It’s best to slowly introduce caffeine into your cannabis routine to avoid overstimulation.

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