5 wellness products (including weed!) That can make your life easier
Self-care and wellness are overused terms, but people can’t get enough of them. It is understandable; We all want things that will help us take better care of ourselves, and if it helps to buy a book that tells us how to do it, then at least it is worth buying.
A product won’t fix your life, but it can serve as a helpful reminder to take care of yourself and enjoy the little moments. Wellness products can do a number of things for you, but most should make you happier and more rested, whether they make your skin smoother or are extremely relaxing (ahem, cannabis). Here are 5 wellness products that can make your life easier:
Portable sun protection
Photo from rawpixel.com
Summer is drawing to a close, but August still has to endure and protecting our skin from the sun is important, something many of us often forget. For sunscreen that stays on the skin for a long time and doesn’t leave annoying white streaks, Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Face & Body Stick Sunscreen is a great option. It’s small and portable, making it a great item to carry with you on your remaining summer weekends.
Noise canceling headphones
Photo by Andrew Tanglao via Unsplash
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Noise-canceling headphones are the best. Although they are more expensive than the average headphones you buy at your nearest grocery store, you tend to appreciate them more and not lose them as much. They can help make a run feel better, improve your performance, or make your subway ride a lot more enjoyable. For something cheap and useful, Eritex MBits are wireless and bluetooth compatible. If you want something a little more high-end, there is Beats Studio Buds. Just don’t lose it.
A portable vape
Photo by Lepro / Getty Images
There is nothing more convenient than a vape pen. These guys are discreet, portable, and make it easy and great to find your way around in times of stress or boredom. Brands like Pax make great vape pens that are tasteful, sleek, and are also some of the most popular cannabis products on the market. They are very easy to find if you live near any state that has legal marijuana
A weighted blanket
Photo by Gregory Pappas via Unsplash
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Just because weighted blankets are trending doesn’t mean they won’t work. In addition to relieving anxiety, these blankets can help you sleep like a baby by staying on top of you all night and preventing you from moving too much. There are countless options on Amazon, from cheap to slightly more expensive.
Cannabis drinks
Photo by Elsa Olofsson via Unsplash
Alcohol is unfortunately not considered self-sufficient, so a cannabis drink may be the next best option. These drinks are growing in popularity, even if they are not as popular as one would expect cannabis drinks to be. If you’re looking for a drink that you enjoy while also eliminating a hangover, products like Cann or Wunder in delicious flavors are good choices.
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