5 tricks to prevent the nibbles
Nibbles are one of the best aspects of smoking weed. While they hit people with varying degrees of intensity, if you are a regular smoker you have likely encountered nibbles at some point in your life. There’s nothing wrong with the occasional nibble-induced scarf-down, but if it’s a recurring problem, you may need to find new ways to contain those impulses.
It is difficult to eliminate the nibbles entirely, but it is possible to make sure that they are not as strong as they usually are. Here are 5 tricks to help you curb those marijuana aftermath.
Eat Before You Smoke
Photo by Artem Labunsky via Unsplash
The simplest trick is to have a filling meal before you smoke. While the nibbles sometimes don’t listen to hunger, they are much worse if you haven’t eaten in a long time. When you eat, smoke, and then get the nibbles, you will realize that what you are experiencing is not hunger, which will work in the long run and give you some strength to withstand future nibbles.
Keep yourself hydrated
Photo by yunjeong via Pixabay
Water is a great tool for curbing all kinds of hunger pangs, leaving you feeling full, at least until you need to go to the bathroom. Water is especially strong when it comes to nibbles, as the impulse to eat after consuming cannabis isn’t necessarily associated with real hunger. If you drink a lot of water, you can see what your stomach is feeling while giving your high a chance to mellow.
Look for a strain that is not as prone to nibbles
Photo by Brian Lundquist via Unsplash
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The nibbles are directly related to THC consumption, which means that if you smoke a THC-dominant strain, you are more likely to go insane. You can try a more balanced strain or ask your budtender for weed recommendations that won’t turn you into a monster.
Keep yourself busy
Photo by roungroat via rawpixel.com
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The nibbles are often more intense when you smoke alone in your home. If you have a tendency to smoke, try smoking with friends or focusing on something else, be it outside reading, listening to music, going for a walk, or exercising.
Smoke from your house
Photo by Artur Matosyan on Unsplash
Finally, as a last resort, you can try smoking when you are away from your seat, where there are snacks and the convenience of being able to order delivery without thinking too much. Spending part of your high outside of your home will distract you with other people and activities, and make it easier for you to focus on things other than your gut.
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