5 tricks to help you finish faster in the morning
Mornings are rough, especially after working from home for most of the pandemic. If your boss tells you to go back to the office and you freak out about forgetting what it feels like to put on pants, stop spinning – it’s possible to get back on track, you just have to be a little more organized.
The key to a good morning is getting enough sleep, which is difficult enough anyway. However, if you plan ahead and change a few small common behaviors, your morning may not be rested, but it will be quick and efficient, which is sometimes all you need. Here are 5 tricks to help you finish faster in the morning.
Plan your morning routine to start the week
Photo by Daria Shevtsova via Unsplash
The sooner you start planning, the better. Customize these plans in whatever way is best for you and go about as thorough as you want. While it can be annoying and time consuming, try planning at least three to four outfits during your Saturday to remove all of that stress in one fell swoop. If you want some leeway, choose the most important outfits and put the finishing touches on them the night before.
Program your coffee machine
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez via Unsplash
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Making coffee doesn’t take long, but you may not want to make coffee in the morning when you’re sleepy. If you program your coffee maker, you can skip this step and smell coffee first thing in the morning, which is an added benefit.
Check your phone with a delay
Photo by Retha Ferguson via Pexels
Looking at our phone first thing in the morning is something a lot of us do. But morning phone check-ins can turn into wasted minutes and even hours, something you don’t want when you have a busy day ahead of you. Resist the temptation and shift your gaze to your phone until later in the day, whether it’s during your lunch break or on your way to work.
Do a search of your closet
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez via Unsplash
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Before you start planning outfits, it is important to know what is in your closet. Pick a day of the week that you have free time and go through it. Take the opportunity to stow away items for a donation and items that you would like to carry throughout the week. Knowing what’s in your closet will help you choose your clothes better and also know what to buy to plan cute and functional outfits.
Don’t wash your hair every day
Photo by 955169 via Pixabay
After all, you don’t have to wash your hair every day. Aside from being time consuming, washing your hair daily also ruins your hair and removes the natural oils that make it shine. People who wash their hair daily often have oilier hair as they are trying to make up for all of the oil they lose from so many repeated washes. According to hair experts, three to four washes a week is more than enough.
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