5 tips for a better morning routine

Routines are the key to a successful morning. Routines are sometimes hard to establish and easy to break through, but they can help you create the time, do the things you want to do, and feel productive. When this happens in the morning it is especially effective as the morning sets the pace for the rest of the day.

While saying that you get up and run early every morning is very easy, but routine is difficult to follow. It takes persistence and not giving up. In order to establish a routine, it is important to be patient with yourself and to set realistic and manageable goals. Here are 5 tips to help you develop a better morning routine:

Make natural light your friend

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez via Unsplash

Natural light feels great and helps you wake up. The sun dictates your internal clock, which is why we get sleepy and energetic at night when the sun shines on us. While your windows are a great tool, if you have the time, a morning stroll is a really great way to start the day to revive your mood.

Wash your face

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Morning showers are great because they wake you up. Washing your face does a similar thing, waking you up and removing the dirt from your eyes. If you incorporate this into a larger routine, e.g. B. Washing your face after brushing your teeth and then applying a moisturizer or sunscreen will make your habit stronger and easier to remember.

Have a good breakfast

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Breakfast has many lovers and haters, but when you have a bad time in the morning, eating something nutritious can be a solution to your problems. Breakfast is not only filling, it is also important for your energy, which is super necessary in the morning. If you choose high protein foods like yogurt or eggs and combine them with vegetables and whole grains, you will have energy and an appetite for healthy and filling meals for the rest of your day.


A stretch routine might just be what you need right nowPhoto by Scott Broome via Unsplash

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Exercise is very important in the mornings. That doesn’t mean you have to walk, although that’s a great thing in the morning. Moving can simply mean making your bed, doing some chores like washing up or folding clothes. Any kind of exercise will help you feel more alert and productive, which is a great mood for the day.

Do something you love

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Take the time in the morning to do something you love, like playing a video game, listening to a podcast, reading a book, or listening to music. While you may have to wake up a little earlier than usual, doing something early that you love will help you have a better mood, and a better outlook on your day.

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