5 things to know before buying a vape pen

Vape pens are the greatest technological advancement in weed use that has ever been made. While you might still not have one of your own, they are virtually impossible to avoid for good reason. They are handy tools that make the process of smoking weeds more accessible and discreet.

While there are many who prefer the sensation of smoking flowers, cannabis vape pens need not replace one method over another; They can be used to complete your cannabis experience in general.

With the steam industry exploding so quickly, it can be difficult to know what these devices can do and which product is best for you. For the most part, vaporizers are intuitive and easy to use, with two main types of pens: herbal pens and extract pens.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon via Unsplash

Herbal vaporizers use cannabis flowers and basically have a small oven inside that heats the cannabis and turns it into steam. These devices are usually reusable, larger, and more expensive. On the other hand, there are extract vaporizers that run on cannabis extracts. They are very popular and can be reused and contain batteries, cartridges and charging ports.

Here are 5 things you should know if you are considering buying your own pen:

Less odor and smoke

Forecasts from the leading countries for cannabis investment can go up in smokePhoto by Samantha Hurley on Burst

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When weed weed, the paper goes through a combustion process that creates smoke and toxins linked to cancer and other diseases. Vape pens heat the marijuana and create a vapor that may still have an odor but is much less thick and invasive than smoke. Vape pen vapor does not usually adhere to clothing and fabrics and can be quickly dispersed around a room in minutes.

There are some issues with buying online

Buyers watch out - product fraud is widespread in the cannabis industryPhoto from rawpixel.com

While you can still buy vape pens from online sources, you won’t find them in places like Amazon which filter against all kinds of drug / tobacco paraphernalia. When purchasing these type of products it is best to order directly from a company website or buy them from your nearest pharmacy so that you can get a feel for them before you commit to buying.

Vaping is healthier than smoking flowers

Legal marijuana users have stopped buying vapes after a disease epidemicPhoto by HighGradeRoots / Getty Images

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Many people argue that vaping is healthier than smoking flowers largely because you get rid of the burning and smoke that are the most harmful aspects of marijuana.

Still, there are some risks associated with vape pens, particularly with the chemicals found in the devices – the side effects of which are unknown and largely unexplored. It is also important to buy products from trusted sources, especially due to the weird vapor sickness that occurred last year and that has affected hundreds of people.

Vape highs are different

Photo by Darrin Harris Frisby / Drug Policy Alliance

While vaping marijuana is still vaping marijuana, the highs vape pens produce are slightly different from what you get from a joint. If you’re not used to vaping, start slowly and expect a stronger response. Vape pens usually have a stronger hit than joints, especially if the cannabis comes from a concentrate.

They are a great option for on the go

This is what experts really think about air travel this springPhoto by Rui Silvestre via Unsplash

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When the holiday season comes and it’s likely to be traveling or hanging out with different people, a vape pen can make your experience better. Besides being easy to carry around and the smartest option for your travels, they can be used discreetly among family and friends and get high to make the whole ordeal less stressful. Happy Holidays!

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