5 reasons why weed won’t affect you
There is a lot of variety when it comes to the cannabis experience. Today there are dozen of options to try, from varieties to different methods of consumption. Some people prefer strains that make them sleepy, while others prefer strains that are energetic and joyful. And then there are the consumers who just don’t understand what it’s about because they don’t feel the effects.
Although cannabis can be used for multiple purposes, it should provide the consumer with a calming and enjoyable experience. If you don’t get any of this every time you smoke, there has to be an explanation for it.
Here are 5 reasons why weed might not affect you:
You inhaled wrongly
Photo by Alessandro Zambon via Unsplash
It might sound silly, but inhaling smoke is not easy, especially if you haven’t smoked anything before. It takes a few tries for people to get it right. To successfully inhale smoke and get cannabis into your bloodstream, you need to breathe in deeply through your mouth until you feel your stomach expand. Many people think that holding on to the smoke creates a stronger response, but this is likely their brain tricking them because of a lack of oxygen. Breathe out slowly so you can minimize the risk of a coughing fit.
It’s your first time
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It is very common for beginners to have a strange first experience with cannabis and sometimes not even know what they are feeling. As with most things, consuming cannabis takes some practice. Your body needs to learn to get high and recognize how it feels. Some experts also mention a “cannabis awareness period”. This is a period when you won’t get that high because your body will develop more cannabinoid receptors when you expose it to more THC.
You are using a method of consumption that is not working for you
Photo by Margo Amala via Unsplash
Whenever you try a new cannabis method, assume that you are starting from scratch and going through another awareness phase. Edible noise and inhalation noise are very different, so it is important to expose yourself to these methods several times before understanding what that particular high is supposed to feel like.
Photo by Zachary Nelson via Unsplash
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Your genes could also play a role in the way you experience cannabis highs. The data show that people with the genetic mutation in AKT1 are more likely to experience paranoia and anxiety when they smoke weed. There are also people who naturally have more endocannabinoids than others and experience a stronger high. All of this means that there is no way to predict how cannabis will affect your body. Everyone is different and the only way to learn what works for you is to try different things.
Tolerance levels
Photo by Gregory Pappas via Unsplash
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Cannabis tolerance levels are very important. Many things can affect your tolerance, including your age, genetics, and the frequency of use. Tolerance plays a role in your body’s response to cannabis, with some people taking just one drag to get into a spiral of fear, while others smoke more and feel very little. Try different methods and amounts of cannabis you ingest to get a feel for what your body is reacting to.
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