5 party games to avoid when you’re high on marijuana

Rules for game nights. Hanging out with friends (new and old), settling into a cozy home, and generally having a great, relaxing time. And maybe there was even such good food! Yes, game nights are the norm, unlike the movie Game Night which looks like a hot mess. There’s a reason why movie theaters open in February, you know?

Of course, a few substances can help you relax and spark conversation to keep the party going. Some wine, a cocktail or some cannabis. But just like wine has its pairings, some games work better than others in this situation. Here are party games to avoid if you consume a lot of marijuana


Current brand owner Pokonobe Associates, which was invented by a Brit in the 1970s and registered as a trademark shortly before its public debut at the 1983 London Toy Fair, said that in 2017 more than 80 million boxes were sold worldwide, more than 4.3 Blocks were sold.

The rules are simple. Build a tower with 54 blocks. Take turns pulling blocks from the center and placing them on the tower. Until someone brings the whole thing to a halt.

Even if another Fresh Toaster disagrees that it is a cannabis-friendly activity, it is not suitable for a group of other enthusiasts to try. Unless they like rebuilding collapsing towers. A lot. Cannabis can impair coordination, and it could take someone with high levels of thrills forever to figure out which blockage they need to clear next.

Of course, there is a relaxed atmosphere that there is only one loser – the tower collapse – and everyone else wins!


It was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 2006 and was originally offered as “Kings of Footsie” to a potential investor who died in 1964 (I can’t imagine why). Milton Bradley bought the concept in 1964 and (thankfully) renamed it.

Twister first made a big splash when Johnny Carson and Eva Gabor played it in The Tonight Show” in 1966. Competitors (haters) accused MB of selling “Sex in a Box.”

The rules are simple. The Twister mat is unfolded and the players – two or three are recommended – are then told by a “referee” where to place their hands and feet on which colored parts of the mat. The referee determines this using a spinner. If you fall or touch the mat with your elbow or knee, you are out. The last one…er…standing is the winner.

Related: The Best Board Games to Play After Using Marijuana

It’s really fun and a more fun game. But like Jenga, it relies too much on motor skills, especially the kind of balance that is difficult for most sober people to find. Playing after enjoyment will result in lots of short games.


How’s that for a bad investment? The game’s inventor was a student at the time and sold the rights to Milton Bradley for $500 and the promise of a job after graduation. Since then, Hasbro, who currently owns the rights, has estimated the franchise’s value at $40 million.

The game board is a patient named “Cavity Sam” with a red light bulb for a nose. Cut into it (ouch!) are cavities filled with plastic balls like “Adam’s Apple,” “Butterflies in the Belly,” and “Charley Horse.”

Two sets of cards are used. “Doctor” cards are shuffled and set aside. “Specialist” cards are distributed evenly among players. Players take turns drawing doctor cards that indicate a specific condition that needs to be removed with metal tweezers. Because Operation was one of the first board games to require batteries, if a player is inaccurate and touches the edge of the cavity containing the affliction, a buzzer sounds on the electrified board and Sam’s nose lights up.

If the doctor is excited, the specialist gets a chance. For successful completion, each illness is assigned a monetary value. The richest player at the end wins.

Related: 10 Types of Marijuana Perfect for Gamers

Sure, it’s fun to consume cannabis and watch someone smoke while Sam’s nose glows. But this is also about motor skills. There will probably be a lot of short games. Bring extra batteries and make sure your malpractice insurance is paid in full.

An updated Star Wars edition was released to coincide with The Force Awakens in 2015. BB-8 undergoes surgery. A previous edition used R2-D2.


Possibly as old as dice, it was first sold as Yatzie in the early 1940s and can trace its lineage to numerous dice games. According to current rights holder Hasbro, 50 million games are sold every year.

The players take turns rolling six dice. The thrower of the dice then has two more chances to roll all or some of the dice, filling in categories such as “threes with twos”, where the player would take the sum of the last roll of three or more dice showing two. If a player cannot complete a category, they must cross out a category and pass the dice to the next player. The game ends when all players can no longer roll the dice because all categories have been filled in and/or crossed out.

The winner will be determined by adding up the points from each category. High score wins.

This is great for getting lots of people involved. But we’ve seen people fret about the strategy and struggle with math before indulging. A strong buzzing noise will only make the problem worse. Perhaps a modified map with five more “Chance” categories would speed things up.

Stoner City

A cousin of Monopoly has apparently managed to stay right on this side of the offense, the game pieces are all bongs, the houses and hotels are plants, and a police car moves in the opposite direction of the players, and if it’s on one lands on occupied land, that player is arrested.

It’s stupid and having something like that in your place will make you seem like a caricature. Who wants to be tagged?

And if you buy it on Amazon, the thing costs $78! Cannabis enthusiasts can certainly find better recreational uses for their money.

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