5 Cannabis-Friendly Activities for the Last of Summer
Summer is coming to an end. After Labor Day, the mindset seems to change, it's more like fall than summer. But the sun is still shining, the temperatures are still high, the water is still warm, and life is still good. So why not take a moment and really enjoy it and add a little more marijuana to it? Here are 5 weed-friendly activities for the last of summer to make “pre-fall” even more fun.
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Go for a hike or a long walk
Photo by Colton Duke via Unsplash
A long walk or hike allows you to let your mind wander and observe the wonders of nature. The THC makes you relax and move. Choose light exercise, don't litter, and relax as you explore nature with your mind. The tranquility of nature will invade your brain and body.
Relax on the beach or lake
Photo by Chanikarn Thongsupa via rawpixel.com
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When it's warm, it's a great time to be on or near the water. There's something alluring about water, the feel, the smell, the gentle movements. Just watching the water while high can bring a certain serenity to your brain. Sit back and enjoy an e-cigarette, gummy bear, or drink, and be careful not to overdo it near or in the water.
Lose yourself in a movie
Photo by JESHOOTS-com via Pixabay
Losing yourself in a movie is an activity that can be done year-round, but if you've been busy over the summer, now is the time to curl up on the couch, do a little bingeing, and watch the summer blockbusters… and maybe even more: really experience them. And by enjoying them now, you'll have time to prepare for the fall and winter movies and streaming offerings that are coming soon.
Immerse yourself in art
Photo by Igor Miske via Unsplash
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Weed makes visual experiences better and emotional ones deeper, which is why watching a movie when you're high can feel much more powerful than watching it sober. The same goes for visiting a museum or art gallery. Even though you might annoy your friend or whoever with your deep musings, you'll definitely have a great time.
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Enjoy a picnic feast
Photo by Nils Stahl via Unsplash
Picnics are great, but picnics in the city are best. Plan a day alone or with friends in a park of your choice, share a joint and eat delicious finger foods. The more you plan, the better. This gives you the opportunity to bring speakers, a better variety of food, and more.
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