5 best apps to find audiobooks
Audiobooks are a rapidly growing area of publishing. Providing numerous options and convenience to consumers, audio books are ideal companions for any type of activity, from cooking to commuting. Like podcasts, they’re digestible and convenient and won’t go away anytime soon.
Here are some of the best apps to find audiobooks in:
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With over 200,000 titles in the library, Audible is the audiobook powerhouse. Providing users with great playback, sleep, and multitasking capabilities, the app is a malleable option for listeners of all types. Kindle book readers can now find titles with Audible capabilities, meaning they own the digital copy of the book and at the same time have hearing functions when you are driving, cooking or doing something else.
Photo by Mateusz Dach via Pexels
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For Apple and Android users, these apps let you create audiobooks without the need for a third-party app, just like buying songs from their usual app store.
Photo by tortugadatacorp via Pixabay
As one of the few free apps on this list, Hoopla makes your local library available to you on your phone. This means that you get audiobooks, but also movies, TV shows, e-books, comics and more. All you have to do is register with your library card.
Photo by Lena Orwig via Unsplash
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For those interested in content who are more into science fiction, Realm is an interesting choice. The audio content features original programming and offers listeners a bite-sized selection ranging from Thor: Metal Gods to the sequel to Orphan Black. The first episode is free and the following rates are $ 1.99 per episode.
Photo of Freddie’s marriage via Unsplash
Libro.fm provides support for your local bookstore and shares the profits they make from audiobooks with the independent bookstore of your choice, which is badly needed after the pandemic. You can pay through a monthly membership that costs $ 14.99 per month or by purchasing individual titles.
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