4 Ways To Celebrate 420 Safely This Year
It’s hard to believe that around this time last year many of us only got used to the lifestyle that was forced upon us during the pandemic. This year looks better. According to a poll by Pew Research, 91% of Americans overwhelmingly support legalizing marijuana.
With this April 20th looking a lot brighter than the last, many of us will take the opportunity to celebrate with a high. Here are four ways to keep it safe.
Swap a joint for an edible one
Photo by Elsa Olofsson via Unsplash
While many people will go “old school” with a joint, cannabis foods have been a popular hangout this year, with little sign of slowing down. At a time when consumers are keen to protect their lungs, edible sales have doubled, with gums being the front-runners making up more than half of the edible market. Brownies, cookies, and chocolates are also popular. You can join the trend by simply swapping a beer for a cannabis infused drink.
RELATED: Why Cannabis Operators Expect a Record 420 Despite Coronavirus Concerns
While THC is soluble in alcohol, it is illegal in the US to combine alcohol and cannabis – hence water-based drinks predominate.
Make up for lost birthday parties with a Birthjay
As the industry hits $ 20 billion, there are more and more ways to incorporate cannabis into everyday celebrations. Make up for any uncelebrated birthdays in 2020 to 420 this year with a shameless box of donuts and a free Birthjay, a festive, pre-rolled joint topped with a candle wick for a real birthday wish. Birthjays go blank and you can choose how you want to fill them, and a cake stake so your joint isn’t covered in frosting. The company partners with DKs Donuts, the Los Angeles pastry legends known for their crazy combinations, like croissant-donut hybrids or waffle-donut hybrids. Outside of California, you can still order Birthjays on the company’s website or through Amazon.
Be smart when you meet up with friends
Photo by monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images
Now that the 50% of Americans have had at least one COVID vaccine, music and other festivals are announcing dates and people are dying to get together. COVID has increased the popularity of marijuana, with sales to first-time customers seeing a significant increase. Unlike last year, you can have a 420 socially distant party to celebrate the high holiday. However, if you choose to go this route, there are safer ways to approach it to avoid the spread of germs.
First, make sure you are CDC eligible. Offer a variety of ways to consume and be smart about playing Puff Puff Pass. Glass bowls and bongs are a breeding ground for germs, which contain more bacteria than a public toilet seat. Just as we wear face masks or lean on an elbow bulge instead of a handshake, we should think about an alternative.
RELATED: How to Safely Divide Weeds During the Pandemic
The practice of sharing a joint among friends is a common social activity while we have been using cannabis. If you’re about to find yourself in a smoking circle, bring your personal MouthPeace with you to be sure. The Moose Labs MouthPeace is a doctor-backed germ prevention device designed for joints, vape pens, or pieces of glass. The MouthPeace not only forms a hygienic barrier, it also protects your lungs.
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Photo by FatCamera / Getty Images
This is a big year for marijuana legalization. At this point in time, approximately 43% of the US population lives in a state where recreational marijuana is legal, and within the past two months four states have legalized recreational marijuana. If you want your voice to be heard on this matter, the time is now or never when statewide legalization is sooner possible.
Whether you’re planning to party with a close group of friends or have some edible for a leisurely night on the couch, keep your hopes high. Who knows, maybe this time next year we will light our joints in honor of federal legalization!
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