4 ways marijuana can help with an unpleasant breakup

Breakups are hard and painful – even when you’re famous. But marijuana can help!

The celebrity world is all about the Ben Affleck breakup – Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. The breakup dominates the news but reflects everyone's journey in a relationship. Almost everyone experiences an unfortunate breakup in their life. The end of a relationship doesn't always have a logical reason or come in a methodically planned way, it's usually messy, emotional and exhausting for a while. And it can weigh heavy on a person's soul and heart. Good news is that there are four ways marijuana can help with a messy breakup.

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Breakups can turn lives upside down. Pain, sadness, and a sense of failure are common when a relationship ends. It often means a big change in your daily routine that can be overwhelming and a constant reminder of the loss. Weight gain and lack of sleep can also be part of the aftereffects. But in the right dose and with the right intention, marijuana can help you get through.

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The first aid is sleep. With the likelihood of insomnia increasing by 35-45%, this is key. A good nap at night can help with a tough day of changes, so it's important to nip long-term disorders in the bud. Research studies have shown that marijuana, in the right dosage, can have an overall positive effect on maintaining sleep.

The second is to help with anxiety. Big changes make people anxious, the loss of someone you care about, sometimes identity gets wrapped up in the “we” of a relationship, causing a disruption in self-perception. Time is the best and most natural way to heal. But THC seems to reduce anxiety in lower doses. Work with a health professional to come up with a plan to get you to a more positive place.

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The third point is re-education from alcohol use. Drinking too much after a breakup is unfortunately common, as the feeling of control alcohol provides can be euphoric for a short time. But both physically and mentally, this is not good. Light marijuana use can relax you and put you in a better state of mind without hangovers, drunk texting, and more.

The last way is personal health. While it's hard to look forward in the middle of a breakup, marijuana can help you look forward to the future. Although the myth says that stoners are lazy couch potatoes, cannabis can get you moving. Like dopamine, it allows us to feel a sense of pleasure and reward, which motivates us. Consuming a sativa strain can help you get out of bed and get moving, which could include a workout!

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