4 ways grass works in the bedroom
There’s a lot of debate about whether it’s a good idea to consume marijuana before sex. It’s been thought for some time that high levels of intoxication are unlikely to improve things in the bedroom, but research says otherwise.
Instead, it appears that the majority of users derive some benefit from consuming weed before sex. Here’s a look at four concrete ways marijuana makes for better intimacy.
Increased sexual desire
If we’re being completely frank, and we’re doing that here, the effect of marijuana on libido varies from person to person. Of course, this shouldn’t be too surprising since we already know that not everyone experiences a high in the same way.
However, there is evidence that marijuana can increase sexual desire in a large percentage of adults. For example, in 2011, Michael Castleman, MA, surveyed his readers at Psychology Today to find out how marijuana affected their libido. Only 12% reported decreased desire while using marijuana, while 67% said they experienced increased libido. The remaining respondents said that dose and exposure seemed to influence their experience.
These results are consistent with additional research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2017, which found that 62% of female study participants linked marijuana use to increased sex drive.
More frequent sex
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A look at the general population shows that almost half of adults have sexual intercourse about once a week or a few times a month. More frequent sex doesn’t necessarily increase happiness, but people hoping to have more frequent sex might try regular marijuana use.
Here’s why. In 2017, an analysis of self-reported marijuana use and sexual frequency was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Both men and women who consumed weed daily reported having 20% more sex than those who abstained.
Better sex
As if more frequent sex and an increased desire for sex weren’t good enough, it seems that weed makes the whole experience better. Who does not want that?
In the study mentioned above, female participants also reported that they felt more pleasure during sex if they consumed marijuana before becoming intimate. Specifically, 68 percent shared that sex was better when they were high, and 62 percent reported a more pleasurable orgasm when they used marijuana before sex. A smaller percentage said that consuming weed also appeared to increase vaginal lubrication.
Reduce fear
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The pressure to perform can have a negative impact on the sexual experience of men and women. Erectile dysfunction can be caused or worsened by feelings of anxiety.
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The right dose of marijuana could help ease anxiety. According to a study published by the University of Washington, a low dose of marijuana is most effective for calming anxiety. In contrast, a high dose can increase anxiety symptoms. So if you want to stay cool in the bedroom, it’s best to take it easy and start consuming marijuana slowly before making love.
For those who experience anxiety when high, it may be helpful to try different strains. Additionally, cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive cannabis product, has been found to reduce anxiety at all dosages.
Here’s what you need to know first
Are you thinking about using marijuana before sex? There are a few things you need to know beforehand. In general, it’s not a good idea to just try. Take some time to experiment with different dosages and strains before having sex while intoxicated. In general, it probably seems best to start with a low dose.
Finally, and this goes without saying, you should never dose your partner without permission or pressure them to use marijuana before sex. As with all sexual experiences, consent is non-negotiable when consuming weed in the bedroom.
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