4 things that can happen during a marijuana overdose

When it comes to weed, people differ in how well they tolerate, what they like to consume, and what they like to do. Panels react differently, making it difficult to provide tailored advice to every consumer. Still, there are some common side effects that occur after consuming too much weed.

The effects of marijuana are felt about 10 minutes after smoking. For an edible, the waiting time is longer, ranging from 30 minutes to a few hours. This can be confusing to newbies, so it is important to be extra careful when trying out a new cannabis use.

As recreational marijuana grows in popularity, new ways to consume it are emerging. The more information you have on this topic, the better. Here are some things that can happen when you have too much marijuana.

You suffer from dry mouth

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

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Dry mouth is a common side effect of marijuana use that is alarming to beginners, but something that normalizes the more you are exposed to cannabis. This symptom can easily be remedied by drinking some water and pausing your weed consumption until you feel more comfortable for more.


This sleep disorder has been linked to depressionPhoto by Sharon McCutcheon via Unsplash

While dry mouth and red eyes are common symptoms of marijuana use, vomiting and shortness of breath have also been reported as extreme side effects from overuse of the drug. While cannabis is a well-known preventative measure for nausea, consuming large amounts can have the opposite effect, causing vomiting and abdominal pain, a syndrome known as cannabinoid hyperemesis. This condition is thought to occur when THC overwhelms the autonomic nervous system, which regulates our breathing and digestive systems.

You feel very sleepy

sleepPhoto by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

It’s common for your body to take longer to respond to stimuli after marijuana, making you comfortable on your couch or feeling sleepy. Sometimes you even fall asleep on the spot after consuming large amounts of cannabis, which can be embarrassing in the company of others, but on the whole is relatively harmless.


7 ways to get a bad high under controlPhoto by DANNY G via Unsplash

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A study of 121 subjects found that 50% of them struggled with anxious thoughts and a general feeling of paranoia after using cannabis. Something that can be confirmed by seasoned marijuana users is that the more THC there is in your system, the more paranoid you get.

Your heart rate is faster

Does medical marijuana increase your heart rate?Photo by rud0070 via Pixabay

An increased heart rate is one of the most demanding side effects of excessive cannabis use. This is stressful especially for newcomers to the drug. Therefore, the first time you try a cannabis method, it’s important to stay calm and surround yourself with people you trust so they can help you stay cool in the event of a bad high.

Your blood pressure feels bad

morning sicknessPhoto via Pexels

If the insides of your ears feel a little warm and your face feels red, your blood pressure is likely low. This is a common side effect of excessive cannabis use. Although it passes relatively quickly, it is very unsettling. This is because THC is a vasodilator, so it lowers your blood pressure. If this happens suddenly it’s called green and it’s not great, which is why moderation is key.

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