3 tips to get high while camping in the great outdoors
Camping is a very popular fair-weather activity across the country. It’s a perfect excuse to bring your family and friends together with nature for some quality time. When you’re in the woods or camping on the beach, it’s easy to evaporate all your fears and work stresses into the clean air.
While relieving stress is one of the many great benefits of camping, it’s important to remember that there are still rules and laws that you must follow when camping. This is especially true if you bring some marijuana with you on your camping trip.
Photo by Dominik Jirovský via Unsplash
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Camping can be the perfect place to enjoy great bud, but it’s important to prepare your trip with tools and knowledge to ensure a smooth and upscale outing. Here are some basic facts and tips to help you camp with marijuana this year.
Know the Laws for National Parks Vs State Parks vs Private Camps
It might seem like anything goes when you’re in the vastness of nowhere in places like Glacier or Badlands National Park, but in fact alcohol is strictly forbidden. Because national parks are federal, federal laws apply. This means that marijuana is still a Schedule 1 substance. the exact choice of words according to that National Park Service reads, “Possession or use of marijuana within any National Park Service entity (parks, preserves, rivers, and monuments) is prohibited.”
When it comes to state parks, things can be more complicated. An SF Gate reporter spent days trying to find an official who could offer some sort of “guideline” for California State Parks, stating: “The legalization of recreational marijuana in many states is so new, and the regulations surrounding it can still be complex and unclear.” In other words, if your state recently legalized marijuana, then state parks may not even have an up-to-date one Cannabis Use Policy.
However, a good rule of thumb is that if your state prohibits cannabis use in public places, it’s safe to say you can’t use it in a state park. In addition, some states ban smoking, tobacco and cannabis. According to California Department of Parks and Recreation, “Smoking is not permitted in state parks except on paved roads or parkways. On January 1, 2020, the law associated with Senate Bill 8 went into effect.” The primary reason for these smoking bans often has to do with the risk of wildfires, so it’s important that you comply. If you’re trying to get high in no-smoking parks, pack your edibles.
Photo by Esther Tuttle via Unsplash
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Private campsites have the right to create their own policies as long as they abide by the law and don’t prohibit fundamental rights. So if marijuana is legal in the state where you are camping, your private campground can either ban or allow marijuana use. In some cases, they might even encourage marijuana use.
Find cannabis-friendly places to stay
In recent years, many private lodges and accommodations have capitalized on the weed market by marketing themselves as cannabis-friendly. There are all kinds of cannabis-friendly lodges and campsites. Also like we have done before reported, there are all kinds of “bud and breakfasts” scattered across the country near some of your favorite wilderness spots. Now, there are even explicitly cannabis-friendly campgrounds in most states where it’s legal.
Be respectful of your neighbors
Remember, just because weed is legal doesn’t mean everyone wants to get high at the campsite. Read the room or in this case the wilderness. Be aware of the wind direction and position yourself accordingly. If you’re around families, use common sense. Keep in mind that edibles and vaporizers don’t make the environment smell Skunk. Finally, once you’ve made sure you’re driving on the right and not upsetting your neighbors, you can enjoy all the pleasures that nature mixed with cannabis has to offer.
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