3 signs we live in the darkest timeline

What are the three signs that we live in the darkest timeline?

The “darkest timeline” is a commonly heard phrase among fans of the TV show Community. Though it hasn’t aired since 2015, it’s built a cult following in times of binge-watching and streaming.

The idea relates to the “many worlds” or “multiverse” theory of the universe. Where, in the context of the show, six new timelines are created by simply rolling the dice.

And one of those timelines is dark. People are dying, limbs are being lost, fires are breaking out and corporate and state elites are believed to be using an escaped bioweapon to gain more wealth and power.

Despite being a fictional concept, the idea that we might be living in the “darkest timeline” is intriguing. You don’t have to convince Americans and Canadians that this may be the darkest timeline.

Americans could face the same voting choices in 2024 as they did in 2020. Canada has a dangerously unqualified and ideological prime minister.

But incompetent or corrupt leaders are nothing new. What are the three signs that we live in the darkest timeline? It’s not the politicians we expect to lie and cheat.

It’s the bureaucracy. This unelected, unaccountable administrative and legal regime. They have lost their common sense and are endangering our freedom and prosperity.

Here are three examples.

3. Alcohol and cannabis are bad. Opioids are good – isn’t that a sign of the darkest timeline?

The opioid crisis is one of the three signs that we are living in the darkest timeline. No city in North America seems immune to its effects. People live on the streets, set up tents in parks and openly use drugs. Violent crime has skyrocketed.

No problem, say the extreme left. Drug-addicted homeless people need weaker drugs to get off the hard drugs. There is no need for rehabilitation either. We do it right on the street.

All we need is your money, whether you agree or not.

If that sounds like a questionable argument, join the club. Recently, one of these BC activists tweeted about a friend going into rehab. They returned clean to Vancouver and died within a week of a fentanyl overdose.

His death proves why “we” need secure supplies. But Vancouver already has a secure supply. Lest it sound too insensitive, why was this person taking fentanyl when there are a plethora of weaker opioids available to the taxpayer for free?

Could a taxpayer-funded supply of hydromorphone save lives? Sure, it’s entirely possible that “safety of care” works for some exactly as top sociology professors have said it does.

But as with all government action, there are unintended consequences. One is that addicts collect hydromorphone pills and sell them for fentanyl.

At least three different journalists have come to this conclusion. Global News’ latest report shows that this isn’t just a rare anecdotal incident, as activists claim.

Faced with mounting evidence, Canada’s Minister for Mental Health and Addiction said she was “aware” there was a “problem” but that the end justifies the means.

In other words, who cares if teenagers take hydromorphone (basically the strength of heroin) because they think it’s safe? At least they were warned about “copycat” cannabis edibles!

What about a safe supply of CBD?

darkest timeline

A sign that we’re living in the darkest timeline: Every so-called “expert” in safe care is ignoring the double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study showing how CBD reduces opioid cravings.

If “safe supply” were truly safe and compassionate, they would be distributing CBD capsules, not hydromorphone.

Instead, governments tend to downplay the dangers of opioids and escalate the drug war on cannabis.

Nothing says we live in the darkest timeline like a runaway health bureaucracy that freaks out about cannabis edibles but turns a blind eye to teenagers using heroin-strength opioids.

We’ve demonstrated the public health crusade against cannabis ad nauseam. Whether it’s economically illiterate people demanding limits on THC or busy people making unsubstantiated claims about cannabis and mental health.

The message from the government is clear: they’d rather take you opioids than cannabis.

When we trade cannabis outside of the law, it is a “diversion” and the proceeds go to “organized crime”. When taxpayer-funded opioids are distributed and sold illegally, it is “sharing compassionately.”

There is no safe supply of alcohol

There is no safe supply of alcohol

Cannabis connoisseurs and alcohol enthusiasts don’t usually overlap. Sometimes one side even sees the other negatively. But as the saying goes when it comes to medicinal cannabis, “different strains for different pains” applies here too.

If your idea of ​​relaxing after work or on the weekend involves beer or vodka instead of cannabis, that’s fine. You do it.

wait my mistake “No amount of alcohol is drinkable,” says the World Health Organization.

Ever since the WHO declared the end of the Covid scam, it has turned its attention to alcohol. Just as they thought government policy could stop a flu virus, they think they can ignore the history of alcohol prohibition.

And, in their opinion, the direst timeline would be getting rid of cash (see below). So if we’re in a world where all connections and exchanges are monitored and enforced by a smartphone and an algorithm, governments can use technology to limit how much alcohol (or cannabis) we can buy.

I only mention it because the WHO has published a “Guide for Journalists” on alcohol. It doesn’t matter that a global bureaucracy shouldn’t tell journalists how to cover the news. This guide contains manipulated data, half-truths, and drug war propaganda the West hasn’t seen since the temperance movement.

Led by the WEF’s “Young Global Leader” Justin Trudeau, Canada has already adopted the WHO’s alcohol guidelines. The Canadian Center for Substance Use and Abuse (CSSA) released its report earlier this year stating that if you have more than two drinks a week, you have a drinking problem.

This prompted the International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research (ISFAR) to describe Canada’s report as “a pseudo-scientific compilation of selected studies of little scientific validity that conformed to their preconceived notions”.

No fun is allowed in the darkest timeline

From promoting opioids as “safe,” to demonizing a non-toxic natural herb, to slandering millions of Canadians who believe they are alcoholics.

Public health has gone insane. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that they consulted with PETA to develop dietary guidelines for meat consumption.

This is a sure sign that we are in the darkest timeline.

2. We are in the darkest timeline – excise duties and pardons are not helping anyone in this day and age

We are in the darkest timeline - excise duties and pardons are of no use to anyone in this day and age

Another sign that we are in the darkest timeline is Joe Biden. I think I should elaborate on that, but I think “Let’s Go, Brandon” sums it up pretty well.

We’ve covered how his federal cannabis pardons aren’t helping anyone. But that didn’t stop the senior from repeating the lie. One wonders if the old man really believes he has set people free.

Of course, even three years after Biden’s presidency, Americans are no closer to legalizing cannabis. They can’t even pass banking laws, which negatively impacts Canadian cannabis companies.

Given that Donald Trump signed into law the 2018 farm bill that legalized all minor cannabinoids, including delta-8-THC, it’s easy to argue that Trump has done more to legalize cannabis than Biden.

If Biden faces Trump again in 2024 and Trump wants to win, he needs to point to the billions spent in Ukraine and wonder why the Democrats haven’t spent them domestically.

As is the legalization of cannabis.

But don’t legalize like the Canadians did. As MjBizDaily reports, Canada’s IRS is aggressively dealing with cannabis excise tax debt.

As we previously reported, the cannabis excise tax in Canada was invented by idiots. It systematically leads to the bankruptcy of all small and medium-sized producers. Even the bigger companies are losing money. But at least they can weather the storm.

Only in the darkest timeline does the Canada Revenue Agency collect so much tax that it bankrupts the company they tax.

It takes a special kind of stupidity to work for the government.

1. Banking. Not just for cannabis. Banking is generally unhelpful which is a sign of the darkest timeline

banking.  Not just for cannabis.  Banking in general is no longer helpful, confirming that this is the darkest timeline

Of course, our banking sector is the most significant sign that we are living in the darkest timeline.

As previously mentioned, the banks treat cannabis and cannabis companies like pariahs. This means that American cannabis companies cannot claim tax deductions; You have limited access to services such as credit, lines of credit, and payment processing.

All of this leads to increased costs and inefficiencies. In addition, it also means that most American cannabis companies are cash-based.

But stay tuned, cannabis entrepreneurs! help is on the way. Not in the sense of banking regulation, as US politicians keep promising.

But the “other” kind of help. The kind that Ronald Regan called the most terrifying words in the English language.

Cannabis companies deal with large amounts of money. Locked out of the banking system? No problem, we’ll just move to a digital economy.

“The benefits of a cashless society,” writes the World Economic Forum.

“If the private and public sectors can work together to harness the latest technology and realize the full potential of a cashless society, there will be tremendous benefits,” the article states.

What benefits? “If you visit China today,” the WEF said, “there’s a big chance you’ll see people paying for things using facial recognition on their phones.” It’s a radical shift, but it’s only that Beginning of the cash revolution.”

Scan your face to buy cannabis. This is the future the elites have for you. I don’t think I have to say that we are in the darkest timeline.

The facts speak for themselves.

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