3 Essential Tools to Manage Your High During the Holidays
Getting high is always fun, but getting too high can pose a variety of problems. What’s worse is the fact that nothing can soar faster than accidentally being the center of attention.
This can be extremely embarrassing even on vacation when there are many family and work events to attend. Fortunately, there are some supplies cannabis enthusiasts can keep close by that can subtly offset the effects of over-indulgence.
Photo by Sarah Pender / Getty Images
Most people who use cannabis regularly already know that having a drink on hand is a good idea for several reasons. Lemonade is especially useful as the citrus fruits can effectively counterbalance the effects of THC due to the presence of the lime terpenes, which promote alertness when consumed.
While The best way to get the terpenes necessary to offset the effects of THC is by consuming lemon wedges or lemon peel, this may not be the subtlest way to get a handle on your high. However, in most cases, no one will assume you are enjoying a bottle of soda. Soda also offers people the option to breastfeed the cotton ball that comes with using marijuana.
While it may seem unlikely, lemonade could be the best help in managing a seemingly uncontrollable high.
Photo by Elaine Goss via Unsplash
Another one that may seem unusual is something that most people are likely to have tucked away in their medicine cabinet by now. While ibuprofen is effective in treating headaches and body aches, it has also been shown to be effective in helping people manage their high after excessive THC consumption.
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A 2013 study published in the journal Cell found that a safe dosage of ibuprofen was instrumental in helping some patients offset the effects of THC. With that in mind, having a few ibuprofen tablets on hand could be crucial to helping people overcome the effects of THC consumption.
Ibuprofen can be taken unobtrusively in public or privately. Either way, remembering the effects they can have in getting off an uncomfortable high could be lifesaving this holiday season.
Photo by Alex Moiseev via Unsplash
Whether in the form of a vape pen or gummy bear, CBD could be the best resource to help people deal with a high they can’t shake off. Scientific research shows that the cannabinoid has properties that negate the effects of THC. Since this is the case, a CBD stick, oil, or gummy bear could help overcome an overwhelming high during the holiday season.
RELATED: How CBD Raised Paranoia and Fear of the THC. blocked by marijuana
With this in mind, people considering using CBD vape pens to help overcome their high should be a little more careful with their surroundings as vaping is not widely accepted and can raise questions or suspicions.
The holidays offer numerous opportunities for surprise situations that can make life uncomfortable or stressful. Anyone in a situation where they need to get down quick should be able to stop by a gas station or grocery store to find any of the above products that can be helpful in managing a high during a vacation get-together .
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