19 Things You Didn’t Know About Bongs – Uses, History, Benefits
If you are a smoker, you probably know what a bong is. Known as a water pipe, the bong is primarily used as a filtration device for smokers of dry herbal substances such as cannabis and tobacco.
In contrast to normal pipes, the use of a glass, ceramic or plastic bong diffuses the smoke into the water so that the filtration process can begin. They are available in different shapes, sizes and manufacturers. Some may look more like a piece of glass art than a filter device.
Whether a cannabis bong connoisseur or a beginner, here are nineteen great facts about bongs that you probably didn’t know about.
1. The first aqueducts were made by our ancestors more than 2,400 years ago. In 2015, experts excavating a Russian kurgan (fortress, dam or high grave) found a pair of gold bongs from around 400 BC. These bongs belonged to a violent group of nomads, the Scythians, who ruled the vast Eurasian territories. The bongs tested positive for both opium and cannabis.
2. The second oldest bong to date was discovered in Africa. Eleven pipes filled with cannabis remains were found in Ethiopia’s caves dating from AD 1100 and 1400 – or about 1,500 years after the first primitive Scythian bongs were believed to have existed.
3. Tobacco entrepreneur Alfred Dunhill looked out over the world to learn more about the worldwide use of pipes. In 1924 he published the results of the survey in which he noted the widespread use of bongs in the eastern and southern parts of the African continent. It was believed that the uniquely designed bong was invented by the San in Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, and South Africa.
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5. It was found that Asians also used bongs. The term “bong” is said to come from the Thai word “baung”. It is a wooden tube with a cylindrical shape that is usually cut from bamboo.
6th One of China’s most powerful rulers, Dowager Empress Cixi of the Qing Dynasty, was buried with three of her most precious bongs. Cannabis is said to come from Central Asia, with the Chinese being among the avid consumers.
7th Since ancient times, people have made bongs from almost anything, much like the bongs sold at the Daily High Club. Vintage were made from bamboo and dried pumpkins. There were also bongs made from precious stones and metals.
8th. Today’s bong is said to have its roots in the water pipe, which is also used as a filtration device in ancient Persia and India. In fact, a bong looks like a smaller and more sophisticated version of the hookah.
9. Most bongs are made of glass. However, there are other new materials that make good water pipes as well. Like its primitive counterparts, a bong can be made from ceramic, plastic, acrylic, metal, and wood.
10. Artist and cannabis enthusiast Bob Snodgrass is blamed for revolutionizing the way bongs were made. He invented a technique called smoke – coating the inside of the pipe with vaporized silver and other substances that made making glass pipes an art. He is also known as the father of borosilicate, also known as “tempered glass” pipes and tobacco products.
11. Using a water pipe is believed to help filter out harmful substances like tar and about 90% of the dangerous substances in tobacco. The water in the bong is also believed to trap cytotoxins that affect the immune system.
12th Don’t be fooled by their looks. While some bongs can look complicated, they are relatively easy to set up and use. Unlike vapes, a water pipe doesn’t require batteries, coil changes, or other materials to function.
13th If you haven’t tried using one, you will find that using a bong offers a different experience than smoking with a pipe because the chamber can hold a larger amount of smoke.
14th Using a water piper for the first time? Be careful when filling the water chamber. Excess water in the device may get into your mouth or soak the herbal substance you smoke. In this case, your smoking experience can also be adversely affected.
fifteen. Talking about a more enjoyable smoking experience can be used to tailor your smoking preferences. For better taste and smoothness, you can use tea, cranberry juice, mouthwash, any form of alcohol, and sports drink, among others.
16. Unlike vape pens, which can damage your lungs, water pipes cool the smoke and make it easier to breathe in. This cooling effect prevents intense heat from burning a smoker’s throat and nasal passages.
17th As evidence of the stoners’ creativity, some newly released bongs have ice catchers that allow the smoker to use ice cubes and place them on the neck of the bong. This further cools the smoke and makes for a more comfortable hit.
18th Size matters when it comes to bongs. However, beginners should use a smaller pipe so that they can better manage their hits. On the other hand, a veteran bong might want a bigger one for better absorption.
19th Water pipes with more percolators produce a more even hit than bogs, where this is not the case. The different number of percolators can affect your smoking experience. For example, fewer percolators mean less air resistance. However, this can also depend on the shape of the device.
Final thoughts
Our ancestors definitely knew how to make smoking more comfortable by using bongs of all shapes and sizes. In addition to having this unique experience, water pipes are believed to trap dangerous substances and chemicals, making this unhealthy practice less harmful.
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