What is a gravity bong? How does it work?

Gravity bongs are very popular among cannabis fans and are known for their strong effects and unique smoking experience.

Their simple design, cost-effectiveness and innovative use of gravity have contributed to their increasing popularity.

These devices have brought a new perspective to the smoking device market and offer an unparalleled experience compared to traditional options.

Admirer of glass Bong are attracted by the efficient use of cannabis, the pronounced effects and the exciting aspect of customizing their smoking experience.

This article explores the captivating charm of gravity bongs and makes the case for why now is the perfect time to give them a try.

What is a gravity bong?

A gravity bong works by – you guessed it – using gravity to initially pull smoke into the chamber of your bong.

Then gravity comes into play again as the smoke is pushed into your lungs.

Gravity bongs work with a two-part system.

A larger chamber contains the water.

A second, smaller chamber fits inside to collect the smoke and hold your bowl and flower.

Because of this dual chamber system, gravity bongs can typically hold more smoke than the average bong.

This larger chamber provides bigger, stronger hits and gets you high in half the time.

Types of Gravity Bongs

Waterfall Gravity Bong

The Waterfall gravity bong is generally the simplest form of gravity bong and is known for its ease of use and convenience.

With a waterfall bong, the air pressure is changed, but this is done via an opening through which the water flows out of the base, so that smoke is sucked into the smoke chamber.

Once the bottle is filled with smoke, the user removes the bowl and inhales, allowing the water to push the smoke into their lungs.

Bucket Gravity Bong

The Bucket Gravity Bong uses a two-container system.

A larger container is filled with water and a second, smaller container (often disposable plastic bottles with the bottom cut off) is partially submerged in the water.

The grass is then lit and slowly lifted out of the water, creating a vacuum that fills the smaller container with smoke.

Gravity bong made of glass

A glass jar consists of a vase-like container that conveniently holds a bottle.

The bottle cap serves as a head and can also be used as a mouthpiece.

The vase section is filled with water and the bottle is submerged to fill the inner chamber.

When the bottle is pulled out, a vacuum is created that sucks the smoke in.

By reinserting the bottle, it will be refilled with water and the smoke will be pushed into your lungs.

How does a gravity bong work?

Gravity bongs work by submerging a small, modified plastic bottle with a foil bowl attached to the top.

It is the foil that holds your cannabis.

This smaller bottle is then placed in a plastic container, bucket or larger bottle of water.

This process uses gravity to draw the smoke into the bottle chamber as the user lifts the bottle out of the water.

As the cannabis is lit, the bottle is slowly pulled out of the water and fills with smoke from the burning herb of your choice.

Once the bottle is filled with smoke, the foil is removed and the smoker holds his mouth over the bottle opening.

As the bottle is slowly pushed down, gravity pushes the smoke into the user's lungs, producing a highly concentrated herbal smoke in just one hit.

If a smoker does everything right, he has the advantage of being able to smoke an entire pipe of his favorite type of tobacco at once.

This is because by combining two containers and water, the user creates a vacuum that acts as a “seal.”

The higher the bottle is raised, the denser the smoke becomes.

This makes hitting a gravity bong an epic way to enjoy a huge amount of smoke in one go.

How to use a gravity bong?

Although they may seem a bit more complicated than using a regular bong, gravity bongs are generally easy to use.

Once you get used to the process, you'll be punching your geek like a pro in no time.

To use your gravity bong, follow these steps:

1. Pack your bowl.

Fill the headpiece attached to your smaller chamber with the substance you wish to smoke.

To ensure it burns more evenly, grind the flower finely and pack it tightly into your pipe.

2. Light the small chamber and lift it up.

As you light your pipe, slowly lift the smaller chamber out of the larger chamber.

When lifting the small chamber, you may feel some resistance: the water pressure creates a vacuum that sucks the smoke from the bowl into the chamber.

3. Remove the bowl and inhale.

Once your chamber is filled with smoke, remove the bowl and inhale through the mouthpiece.

As you inhale, push the smaller chamber down toward the water in the larger chamber.

When you inhale and simultaneously push this chamber down, the smoke quickly enters your lungs.

4. Feel the bong hit.

Instead of a normal bong hit, the potent smoke flowing into your lungs makes for a pretty intense hit.

With fewer hits, you will get high faster and should experience a stronger high.

If you're tired of your normal way of consuming, gravity bongs are a great way to change things up.

GBs provide powerful hits and challenge the limits of your lungs, getting you high faster.

How to make a gravity bong?

Required materials:

  • Plastic bottle with cap (any size, but 16-20 oz. is ideal)
  • Bucket or 2-liter plastic bottle
  • Aluminium foil
  • Carpet knife or sharp knife
  • Poking device
  • Cannabis (at least one gram)

Step 1: Use your carpet knife to cut off the bottom of your smaller bottle.

Step 2: Cut the bottom off your larger 2-liter bottle and fill it with water.

If you use a bucket, fill it with water.

Step 3: Unscrew the cap of your smaller bottle and use your carpet knife or scissors to make a hole in the bottle cap.

Step 4: Wrap the cap in aluminum foil and shape the foil to create a small “bowl” depression for your cannabis.

Step 5: Use your sharp piercing tool to make holes in the aluminum foil.

Be careful not to tear the foil!

For adequate ventilation you need about 3-5 holes.

Step 6: Fill the large bottle or bucket with water to about 5 cm below the rim.

Step 7: Immerse the smaller bottle in the filled bottom half of the larger bottle (or bucket) until only the lid is above water.

Step 8: Light the cannabis and slowly pull the smaller bottle up out of the water as the bottle fills with smoke.

Step 9: Once your bottle is filled with smoke, carefully unscrew the cap and place your mouth over the bottle opening.

Step 10: Gently push the bottle back into the water.

When the water enters the bottle, the smoke is pushed into your lungs.

Benefits of Gravity Bongs

Stronger hits

Gravity bongs are designed to create a vacuum that draws smoke into the chamber, allowing for a stronger hit than other methods.

If you're looking for a way to get high quickly and efficiently, a gravity bong can be a worthwhile investment.


Gravity bongs require fewer smoking materials because they can produce a more potent high by utilizing every single piece of your herb.

Unlike traditional smoking devices, gravity bongs can also be made from simple household items such as plastic bottles, a bucket and a bowl.

This means you can make your gravity bong without spending a lot of money on expensive equipment.

Funny and unique

Gravity bongs have a unique design that makes them a pleasure to use.

If you're looking for a smoking accessory that stands out from the rest, a gravity bong might be worth considering.

Disadvantages of gravity bongs

Harder for new users

Because gravity bongs produce a stronger hit, the smoke can be quite acrid for cannabis beginners.

This may cause a sore throat or coughing fits, but these side effects usually disappear the more you use the device.

Not very wearable

Gravity bongs are typically larger and more delicate than other bongs, making them difficult to transport.

If you are looking for a smoking device that you can easily take with you on the go, you should pay attention to the necessary travel bag (which is usually included with the purchased set).

Risky to use

A certain level of skill is required to use gravity bongs safely.

If you are not familiar with proper use, you risk burning yourself or causing harm to those around you.

Fortunately, our range of gravity bongs come with simple instructions on how to use your device.

Regular bongs or gravity bongs, which is better for smoking?

Normal Bong

Advantages: Smooth hits, customizable with percolators, wide selection available, easier for beginners.

Disadvantages: Requires more lung power, may be less portable, and can be more expensive for complicated designs.

Gravity bong

Advantages: Has a strong effect, is gentle on the herb, is easy to prepare at home and is ideal for experienced smokers.

Disadvantages: For some, the hits are harder, DIY versions may not be as durable and may not be as visually appealing as elaborate glass bongs.


The Gravity Bong is a testament to the constant evolution and transformation of cannabis culture, proving that even basic principles like gravity can be used to create a sublime and unforgettable smoking experience.

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