Marijuana continues to gain mainstream adoption
Despite some critics in Washington, the public largely embraced the wedding
In 2012, Washington and Colorado legalized weed for recreational use, since then 22 more states have followed suit and 38 states have medical marijuana. Over 50 percent of the population has access and it is very popular among all age groups. Even the “War on Drugs” generation of Boomers has embraced AARP, saying many use it for medical reasons. From Martha Stewart to Fox News, the plant is treated as just another consumer product and a business.
RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality of Life
Among adults ages 35 to 50, past-year marijuana use reached an all-time high of 28% in 2022, more than doubling from 13% in 2012. This trend reflects a broader increase in marijuana use across different age groups. Generation Z has taken a different approach by adopting the California Sober concept and replacing alcohol with the healthier marijuana.
Michigan, a Midwestern state, reflects mainstreaming by breaking another year-over-year sales record. States have already recorded $2.4 billion in sales and expect to reach $3 billion in 2024. This will ensure the state has more tax revenue from cannabis than from alcohol. Marijuana has been a reliable source of revenue for states since legalization.
Taking a cue from traditional department stores, Planet 13, the largest pharmacy in North America, has introduced the store-within-a-store concept. Department stores have used the concept in the beauty department and high-end lines like Chanel and Louis Vuitton. Khalifa Kush will be the first brand to offer exclusive merchandise and strains.
“Since our launch earlier this year, we are thrilled to have the Khalifa Kush store-in-store at Planet 13 as the brand’s Vegas home. We’re working on something special for the lounge that will be available early next year – we can’t wait,” shared Wiz.
“Our partnership with wizard Khalifa has been the perfect example of authentic, celebrity-worn branding since we signed wizardit is the fastest product partnership in terms of sales activity in Planet 13's history. Authenticity is about more than just a recommendation and endorsement wizardIt's a match made in cannabis heaven. We're looking forward to it wizard Visit the store often, meet his fans and enjoy Dazed! Consumption Lounge when in Las Vegas. “Planet 13 = experiences and memories!” stated Lee Fraser, Chief Administrative Officer, Planet 13
The 112,000-square-foot Planet 13 Entertainment Complex in Las Vegas has become the flagship destination for celebrities to showcase the industry's top brands. Cannabition, another major attraction at Footprint, is opening soon and will offer an upscale, immersive experience.
Cannabis also joined alcohol in the festivities. The day before Thanksgiving is one of the top five drinking days in the United States. Some in the industry call it “Drinksgiving” and “Blackout Friday.” The public also included the day in consumers' top five, calling it “Green Wednesday.”
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