For older adults, this is the most effective type of exercise

Staying active is important for people of all ages, but new research is shedding light on how older adults are most effective at getting and staying fit. Researchers found that those who are active throughout the day have greater benefits than those who stick to scheduled workouts. This approach of daily activity was more beneficial than going to the gym every day.

The study, published in the journal Obesity, tracked older adults (ages 65 to 86) who were already losing weight, with the researchers finding that those who stayed active throughout their lives ended up being fitter. People who participated in structured activities tended to practice activities and then avoid activities, a phenomenon known as “substitution”. This phenomenon relates to physical activity and subsequent compensation in a negative direction.

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Photo by Tyler Farmer via Unsplash

In an interview with Healthline, researchers recommended that people switch their approach to exercise and training to something more organic and healthier.

“First, we need to tone down the notion that if it doesn’t hurt or requires a gym membership, it won’t help,” said Dr. Jason Fanning, one of the study’s lead authors. Finding activities that people enjoy and require exercise can be very helpful in keeping active and slowly changing people’s lifestyles.

Older adults should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise during the day. Some activities to consider include walks with friends, walks with pets, mowing the lawn and gardening, or bike rides. Probably a mix of some of these to meet the time required.

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To avoid feeling overwhelmed, the researchers suggest “activity snacks,” a practice that encourages short bursts of activity throughout the day so that people have a manageable amount of time to spend their minutes. Going to and from places is a good start.

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Although the results of this study are limited to older adults, it can be assumed that a more active lifestyle that is not limited by one-hour scheduled workouts is a healthy approach for the majority of people. Aside from keeping them more active, changing people’s relationship with fitness and seeing it as part of a healthier, more fulfilling life is also effective.

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