CNN’s daily anti-pot headlines get clicks, but their latest documentary on cannabis for autism is stellar

For several years now, people with autism and their loved ones have been rigorously researching the benefits of using medicinal cannabis. They remained hopeful, believing that this newly discovered “miracle” may help alleviate some of the problems associated with autism. Finally, it was helpful with PTSD, seizures, body aches, and several other medical problems.

Scientists are not neglected either. You will effortlessly explore the benefits of medicinal cannabis for autism.

Fortunately, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. WEED, an award-winning documentary series that premiered on CNN in 2013, has outlined and explained some of the notable benefits of using CBD to help humanity.

Via the weed documentation on CNN

It’s been eight years since the original CNN documentary aired, and Dr. Gupta has made a total of six documentaries. Each with a unique view of cannabis.

The first WEED documentary, broadcast in 2013, explored the stigma associated with the use of weed. The CNN article by Dr. 2013 Gupta was titled “Why I Changed My Mind About Weed”. This article was the exact opposite of the article he wrote in his 2009 TIME article “Why I Would Vote No to Pot”.

In his 2013 article on CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta for being prevented from seeing the plant’s benefits by the stigma associated with cannabis. He wrote that the main purpose of the article was to apologize for his previous ignorance about cannabis. He had neglected to delve into the published benefits of cannabis. He also stated that he strongly opposes the uniform testimony of legal cannabis patients whose symptoms have been alleviated by the treatments that emerged from remarkable research

In WEED 2: Cannabis Madness (2014) he examined the difficulties with medicinal cannabis due to different political views. The third episode, WEED 3: The Marijuana Revolution (2015), went even further to review the benefits of using medicinal cannabis.

Pot vs. Pills (2018) was the title of the fourth episode. It covered the harmful effects of the opioid crisis and how medicinal cannabis can be helpful. Then WEED 5: The CBD Craze, which aired in 2019, rated the way CBD is widely accepted. It also looked at the dangers of an unregulated market.

This documentary caused several state lawmakers to change their laws, allowing doctors and parents to use CBD.

On November 2, 2021, CNN announced that it would show the sixth episode of its cannabis series “WEED”, entitled Cannabis and Autism. This episode delves into the benefits of using medicinal cannabis to improve symptoms in those with autism. This could be the breakthrough we’ve all been waiting for.

The documentary features CNN’s Chief Medical Reporter, Sanjay Gupta. Following the format of previous WEED series editions, this episode introduces the viewer to research conducted to find out how helpful medical cannabis is for autism.

Cannabis and autism

ASD is short for Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is a complex lifelong developmental disorder that typically occurs in the early stages of a person’s childhood and can negatively impact the person’s social and communication skills.

Autism is defined by a certain behavior and affects people to different degrees.

While there is no known cause of autism, if it is detected early on, it helps people get the support they need. This can help the patient lead a quality life.

An autistic person can be non-verbal or have atypical language patterns; he may have trouble understanding nonverbal messages, he may have trouble making and keeping friends, and he may have trouble having simple conversations

The patient may repeat sentences or sounds (echolalia), repeat movements, prefer the same thing, and have difficulty transitioning or following a routine. He can also have rigid or very limited interests, be extremely sensitive or very sensitive to various sensory stimuli.

In the press release, CNN wrote that no matter how mild or severe an active condition is, it is always accompanied by two main symptoms. These two symptoms are social challenges and restrictive or repetitive behavior. Marijuana for autism studies is now available all over the world.

In the latest WEED documentary WEED 6: Cannabis and Autism, viewers have the opportunity to meet doctors, scientists and families. Most of these people show up for the first time and will boldly confess how helpful the plant has been.

In WEED, Dr. Gupta a young girl from Colorado, Charlotte Figi, into the spotlight. She suffered from Dravet syndrome and seemed to be able to find help with medical cannabis. Although she passed away in 2020, she remains a notable example of the benefits of cannabis. She has also inspired several other parents to ponder the idea of ​​using medicinal cannabis for their autistic children.

Dr. Gupta’s recent cannabis advocacy activities

On October 13, 2021, the esteemed personality appeared in an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, in which he shared his opinion on the use of medicinal cannabis. He also talked about how he publicly apologized for his first statement about it.

He also detailed the challenges of several medical studies being conducted on cannabis.

Dr. Gupta stated that most medical studies were done to look for and highlight the harm caused by cannabis. He believed that focusing on the harmful side of cannabis would prevent the world from making sensible progress in this area.

last words

Dr. Gupta has been a strong advocate of medical cannabis since 2013, but his involvement in this research area is by no means limited to the WEED series. He began watching research from other countries, particularly Israel, and found that the benefits of medicinal cannabis outweigh the side effects around the world.

With the scientific knowledge of Gupta and other scientists, we hope to find relief for autistic problems.





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